Vech. I feel like ranting... but I have nothing to rant about... so I'll resort to rambaling instead.
Well I got a job, working for the postal service no less, its boring and repetative but the pay's superb and I can wear what I like (Indeed I just got back from work so excuse me if this is poorly typed).
In between working (which hans't been many hours) I've done a fair bit for my RPG that I'm making using the RPG Maker 2003, its a nifty little programme but it takes a long time to do a decent sized game.
Its my anniversary on monday, a whole year with Roxy, it was very eventful but it sure has flown past. we've done well for all the things we had against us (the age gap, her grandmother's old fashioned ways, the distance and the costs) and thankfully I think we're all the stronger for it.
Although Love does not come without scarifice and indeed I have been weeping buckets over having to miss My Dying Bride's london gig in November because it clashes with Roxy's birthday... and the launch of the new Harry Potter rfilm which she is desparate to see...
Ah well there's always the DVD coming out in August to look foward too
Its coming up to august and you know what that means... all my friends abandon me to go to Waken and see Zyklon and Bloodbath... although in Fairness I'd rather go to Party San anyhow (They've got Sear Bliss, who I'm desparate to see live) but on the upside Pat and I will be starting Voidreaper rehersals this week (when he sobers up) and the 13th Day fest is in just under 2 weeks
which will also give me a chance to "recruit" Gib to the Voidreaper cause (ie get him drunk then tell him he joined when he comes round)
talking of Sear Bliss I found this nifty site today: looks pretty nice, its got a compilation of all the Darkthrone Bootlegs too
Well I got a job, working for the postal service no less, its boring and repetative but the pay's superb and I can wear what I like (Indeed I just got back from work so excuse me if this is poorly typed).
In between working (which hans't been many hours) I've done a fair bit for my RPG that I'm making using the RPG Maker 2003, its a nifty little programme but it takes a long time to do a decent sized game.
Its my anniversary on monday, a whole year with Roxy, it was very eventful but it sure has flown past. we've done well for all the things we had against us (the age gap, her grandmother's old fashioned ways, the distance and the costs) and thankfully I think we're all the stronger for it.
Although Love does not come without scarifice and indeed I have been weeping buckets over having to miss My Dying Bride's london gig in November because it clashes with Roxy's birthday... and the launch of the new Harry Potter rfilm which she is desparate to see...

Its coming up to august and you know what that means... all my friends abandon me to go to Waken and see Zyklon and Bloodbath... although in Fairness I'd rather go to Party San anyhow (They've got Sear Bliss, who I'm desparate to see live) but on the upside Pat and I will be starting Voidreaper rehersals this week (when he sobers up) and the 13th Day fest is in just under 2 weeks

talking of Sear Bliss I found this nifty site today: looks pretty nice, its got a compilation of all the Darkthrone Bootlegs too

Thats a pity you cant afford to go to Wacken, we could have met up. There are so many good bands!
Yeah I made it in photoshop, I could make you into Breath of Fire 3 Warrior Dragon! I love doing that kind of stuff