I had hoped to have pictures of last nigt's gig up... but I forgot my camera...
there is still a review/rant here. well it was bound to happen soone or later. And remember, if Rotting Christ are in your neck of the woods, having your legs sawn off and rabid yaks eating your face are not good excuses... it was superb, one of the best gigs I've been to...ever
Myself I've been in a near zombie state recently, constant coursework pressures have kept me from posting so expect to be bombarded come tomorrow with my usual brand of innane and useless banter. on the upside I'm getting at least 1 exam deffered and may be getting another, cutting the number down from 5 to 3
plus our friend Jess is coming over from the Sates for a month in just over a weeks time
This seems a good point to plug Rotting Christ's new album, Sanctos Diavalos. Buy it, it rules as does their entire discography. Samples from their first 6 albums here.
Of course I am just.rambling because I've spent the last 3 weeks working like mad and generally being boring. but I did manage to watch a new anime series called Scrapped Princess (which is damn good, even if the first 2 episodes are very rushed). Oh and I finally found a torrent for the RPG make 2003 so I've started work on a new project to keep me busy over the summer.
Also I've sorted out what my dissetation is going to be: Floral preference in Bees in realtion to their lifestyle... basically I'm going to be netting bees all holiday... well its apparently pretty unique reserch so I have a good chance of getting a good grade, and since this is a 30 credit module thats never bad.
How is everyone keeping, has funnage occoured in the realms of my friends list? if so please elaborate.
Did I mention that Rotting Christ rule?

Myself I've been in a near zombie state recently, constant coursework pressures have kept me from posting so expect to be bombarded come tomorrow with my usual brand of innane and useless banter. on the upside I'm getting at least 1 exam deffered and may be getting another, cutting the number down from 5 to 3

This seems a good point to plug Rotting Christ's new album, Sanctos Diavalos. Buy it, it rules as does their entire discography. Samples from their first 6 albums here.
Of course I am just.rambling because I've spent the last 3 weeks working like mad and generally being boring. but I did manage to watch a new anime series called Scrapped Princess (which is damn good, even if the first 2 episodes are very rushed). Oh and I finally found a torrent for the RPG make 2003 so I've started work on a new project to keep me busy over the summer.
Also I've sorted out what my dissetation is going to be: Floral preference in Bees in realtion to their lifestyle... basically I'm going to be netting bees all holiday... well its apparently pretty unique reserch so I have a good chance of getting a good grade, and since this is a 30 credit module thats never bad.
How is everyone keeping, has funnage occoured in the realms of my friends list? if so please elaborate.
Did I mention that Rotting Christ rule?
On the gorgoroth site it only says they're playing London, no Scotland...

Ah great thanks! I'll definately go to that