Well the last few days have been a bummer, my glandular feaver resurfaced, forcing me to cancel any plans to go anywhere or do anything. In particular it stopped me from jamming out some stuff for my new band with the guitarist (who is the guitarist in the band I just left). Most annoying of all is that it resurfaced while my Girlfriend had come over to visit, but as opposed to going home early she satyed and nursed me which was very sweet of her. The new Dr. Who's infinite suckage also upset me greatly.
On the plus side my next peice of Coursework for Animal Conservation is looking good, we are supposed to get 30 refferances at least with at least 20 of the being Journal articals, doing a quick serch on Science direct pulled up 34 relevant articals and there are 2 more journal sites I can try before then
Its an interesting projecvt too, an individual case study on the conservation of an endangered species of our choice, I'm doing Grizzly Bears
Back to uni on Friday, all my friends have been to Prague so there'll be a lot to tell me at least, plus I can get back to my beloveed keyboard and I'm taking my Girlfriend sightseeing
On the plus side my next peice of Coursework for Animal Conservation is looking good, we are supposed to get 30 refferances at least with at least 20 of the being Journal articals, doing a quick serch on Science direct pulled up 34 relevant articals and there are 2 more journal sites I can try before then

Back to uni on Friday, all my friends have been to Prague so there'll be a lot to tell me at least, plus I can get back to my beloveed keyboard and I'm taking my Girlfriend sightseeing

i have a triton LE and a korg mini synth. i have been playing piano since i was 8.
Theyre thrash metal called Deadites the website is really old and so are the samples (theyre from two years ago!) but they are updating everything soon and have just finished a demo. The new stuff is really thrashy. I hope you find a drummer soon