Well a few days turned out to be over a month. Why? Because this sucks, I hate having a single beacon of topic that gets used as a nexus for semi-personal talk, even messenger programs are better than just leaving one "what's happened in my life" post and hoping that enough of your virtual friends will say something to justify checking back every few days... The Internet is killing the act of conversation and that's coming from a major introvert like me, if it weren't for the fact that I'm vaguely attached to this site and some of you on my friends list are very cool (notably, but not exclusively, the two of you I've met in person) I'd seal this off as another wasted venture.
And after that pointless rant... Well after handed in my coursework May turned to shit rapidly nowhere wants a volunteer that'll be about for less than 6 months, I'm under-experienced and under qualified to get a relevant job so I've just spent more and more time hacking away at my dissertation in the vain hope that I may get it published given that my data are quite good and no-one in the UK has done this sort of thing in the same manner before.
A combination of mental exhaustion, stress, various Suicide Black metal bands and the sheer insanity that is Serial Experiments Lain (recommended to all but especially those of you who love stuff that fucks your mind something royal) I'm up to 20 "lyrics for a band that'll never be" which I'm actually quite pleased with. Other than this I've been browsing about various PhD ideas including a rather brilliant idea of mine to investigate the vector potential of cleptoparasitic bees. I'll also be in Roehampton's 2008/09 Postgraduate prospectus as a (rather deformed and awkward looking) living testament to my Uni'. I also did some spring cleaning and got rid of some of the CD's in my collection (mostly Death Metal since I'm so sick of how 1 dimensional the genre has been in the last 5 years, give me Dismember of give me Death... the band I mean).
As I now have the time to dedicate to replying to people online then, irrespective of my loathing of this as a means of communication, please feel free to update me on your situations.
EDIT: Gabe and Tycho deserve a medal for this one!

Currently listening to:
Silencer: Death - Pierce Me
Sterbend: Dwelling Lifeless
Nyktalgia: Nyktalgia
Paysage d'Hiver: Die Festung
Darkspace: Darkspace I
Lunar Aurora: Zyklus
Ulver: Perdition City
Shining: III: Angst
And after that pointless rant... Well after handed in my coursework May turned to shit rapidly nowhere wants a volunteer that'll be about for less than 6 months, I'm under-experienced and under qualified to get a relevant job so I've just spent more and more time hacking away at my dissertation in the vain hope that I may get it published given that my data are quite good and no-one in the UK has done this sort of thing in the same manner before.
A combination of mental exhaustion, stress, various Suicide Black metal bands and the sheer insanity that is Serial Experiments Lain (recommended to all but especially those of you who love stuff that fucks your mind something royal) I'm up to 20 "lyrics for a band that'll never be" which I'm actually quite pleased with. Other than this I've been browsing about various PhD ideas including a rather brilliant idea of mine to investigate the vector potential of cleptoparasitic bees. I'll also be in Roehampton's 2008/09 Postgraduate prospectus as a (rather deformed and awkward looking) living testament to my Uni'. I also did some spring cleaning and got rid of some of the CD's in my collection (mostly Death Metal since I'm so sick of how 1 dimensional the genre has been in the last 5 years, give me Dismember of give me Death... the band I mean).
As I now have the time to dedicate to replying to people online then, irrespective of my loathing of this as a means of communication, please feel free to update me on your situations.
EDIT: Gabe and Tycho deserve a medal for this one!
Currently listening to:
Silencer: Death - Pierce Me
Sterbend: Dwelling Lifeless
Nyktalgia: Nyktalgia
Paysage d'Hiver: Die Festung
Darkspace: Darkspace I
Lunar Aurora: Zyklus
Ulver: Perdition City
Shining: III: Angst
Hope you're well