I'm not going to BS anyone, the following is copied and pasted from my LJ, I'm still burnt out form a) Oslo, b) updating my website and c) doing coursework. I'll be back in a few days to say something more profound (probably along the lines of "borf"). In more tragic news Arcturus are no more, this is a black day for me not only because I adore their studio output but because they were hands down the finest live act in the world. Hopefully I'll get back to being able to actually reply to people again (I thought I was doing ok too...).
"Long overdue but here's what happened in Oslo:
Firstly I almost got arrested at Stansted, my crime: having an extra 25ml of toothopaste... seriously. Mercifully I got let off light although Gib managed to slip through security in his Terrorist T-shirt (we have photographic evidence!). Anyway when we got to Oslo I found that I couldn't check-in at the Hostel until 3pm, which was abummer since it was 12:30 and I had bareley sleptin 2 days...
Well anyway after finding the shop closest to heaven for Metalheads (Neseblod - or Nosebleed in English) and watching Gib spend about 600NOK I finally got to crash out, this year my room-mates were a traveling mexicn, 2 very un-neutral French speaking Swiss guys and an Irish guy... indeed the Irish guy was going to Inferno too and quite to my surprise was in town with Irish Dave and John who I'd shraed a room with last year.
On the first day of Inferno the organisers had rente dout one of the local clubs so we could buy merch, have stuffed signed and just chill out for a bit, which was cool of them. After deciding that Shagrath from Dimmu Borgir is a complete nob we bumped into Vera... who immediately whent downstairs and did a line of coke in true Vera style. We also encountered Irish Dave from last year who was once again the only Sober Irishman more incoherant than the drunk ones... still he's a great lauigh. Gib was bouncing off the walls to discover that not only was Mirai from Sigh in the building but actually staying in his hotel. We also ran into some people from the Inferno Forum who we hung out with fir the rest of the fest. The fest itself is all burbed about on my site so I'll leave you all to not read it.
Second day and it turned out that vera haddn't slept and had instead spent all night sitting up on acid listening to music so she went back to the hotel to crash out when Gib returned to fetch his camera. While we were waiting in the hotel lobby we happened to spot one of Gib's aquaintances: Jonathan Selzer - thee ed of Terrorizer... of course Gib being talkative as he is... we also spotted Hellhammer which reminded us of how small he is. Anyway we went to both signings, first time about was Obsidian C (Keep of Kalessin) Samoth (Emperor/Zyklon) and Steiner (Spiral Architect), so we got some stuff signed and got some signed photos off them courtosey of their guitar sponsors which was nice. The second signing was embarassing, Apollyon signed my Cadaver and Dodheimsgard inserts but Abbath thought my copy of Pure Holocaust was a botoleg, it was actually just the crappy print that The End were using so his roadie cleared that one up for me (it's always a good idea not to offend the band you're seeing). There was a 3rd signing at the fest itself, namely Nattefrost of Carpathian Forest (who's also really small) and one of my favorite songwriters Niklas Kvarforth of Shining, since Nattefrost had written the Lyrics to one of the songs on the only Shining album I owned at the time (I bought Shining III: angst when I got home) I had them both sign that insert (although Kvarforth had to remind Nattefrost that he'd written the lyrics...). We had Expected Kvarforth to be really hostile, given his tendancy to be somewhat suicidal on and offstage (the guy has some really deep scars on his arms and has been in and out of institutes for years) but he was absolutely one of the nicest guys ever. During the course of the day however it struck us that we haddn't seen Vera at all, which was disconcerting.
Third day and with no expo to go to Gib went to the Dark Funeral signing... they were a bunch of arrogant wankers as we'd expected, with still no sign of Vera we just went on with things (we had no way of contacting her) but were obviously somewhat concerned by he continued absence. Well the day went on as usual, no signings or anything so we just hung out with Dave and other bods for a laugh.
Coming back we found Vera and her mum at Torp (the airport), apparently Vera's acid endulgence (she'd snuck 6 tabs through the airport) had left her in a major freak out for 2 days (she was still shaking badly when we found her), but as her mum was a hippy back in the day she was alright. The flight back comprised of me sifting througfh the 944 pics Gib had taken oer the 3 days... we kept 404 of them. Well before landing I remarked that I;d finally ben to a festival without giving myself head trauma... as we grabbed our luggage I hit my head on the overhead baggage compartment... the circle is complete."
My Website's reviews and pictures. There's also some stuff from Taake last month, including some superb pics that Gib managed.
Currently listening to:
Darkspace: Darkspace I
Shining: III: Angst
Sigh: Gallows Gallery
Dodheimsgard: 666 International
Nocternity: Onyx
Enslaved: Isa
Deathspell Omega: Si Momvmentum Requiris Circumspice
Code: Noveau Gloaming
"Long overdue but here's what happened in Oslo:
Firstly I almost got arrested at Stansted, my crime: having an extra 25ml of toothopaste... seriously. Mercifully I got let off light although Gib managed to slip through security in his Terrorist T-shirt (we have photographic evidence!). Anyway when we got to Oslo I found that I couldn't check-in at the Hostel until 3pm, which was abummer since it was 12:30 and I had bareley sleptin 2 days...
Well anyway after finding the shop closest to heaven for Metalheads (Neseblod - or Nosebleed in English) and watching Gib spend about 600NOK I finally got to crash out, this year my room-mates were a traveling mexicn, 2 very un-neutral French speaking Swiss guys and an Irish guy... indeed the Irish guy was going to Inferno too and quite to my surprise was in town with Irish Dave and John who I'd shraed a room with last year.
On the first day of Inferno the organisers had rente dout one of the local clubs so we could buy merch, have stuffed signed and just chill out for a bit, which was cool of them. After deciding that Shagrath from Dimmu Borgir is a complete nob we bumped into Vera... who immediately whent downstairs and did a line of coke in true Vera style. We also encountered Irish Dave from last year who was once again the only Sober Irishman more incoherant than the drunk ones... still he's a great lauigh. Gib was bouncing off the walls to discover that not only was Mirai from Sigh in the building but actually staying in his hotel. We also ran into some people from the Inferno Forum who we hung out with fir the rest of the fest. The fest itself is all burbed about on my site so I'll leave you all to not read it.
Second day and it turned out that vera haddn't slept and had instead spent all night sitting up on acid listening to music so she went back to the hotel to crash out when Gib returned to fetch his camera. While we were waiting in the hotel lobby we happened to spot one of Gib's aquaintances: Jonathan Selzer - thee ed of Terrorizer... of course Gib being talkative as he is... we also spotted Hellhammer which reminded us of how small he is. Anyway we went to both signings, first time about was Obsidian C (Keep of Kalessin) Samoth (Emperor/Zyklon) and Steiner (Spiral Architect), so we got some stuff signed and got some signed photos off them courtosey of their guitar sponsors which was nice. The second signing was embarassing, Apollyon signed my Cadaver and Dodheimsgard inserts but Abbath thought my copy of Pure Holocaust was a botoleg, it was actually just the crappy print that The End were using so his roadie cleared that one up for me (it's always a good idea not to offend the band you're seeing). There was a 3rd signing at the fest itself, namely Nattefrost of Carpathian Forest (who's also really small) and one of my favorite songwriters Niklas Kvarforth of Shining, since Nattefrost had written the Lyrics to one of the songs on the only Shining album I owned at the time (I bought Shining III: angst when I got home) I had them both sign that insert (although Kvarforth had to remind Nattefrost that he'd written the lyrics...). We had Expected Kvarforth to be really hostile, given his tendancy to be somewhat suicidal on and offstage (the guy has some really deep scars on his arms and has been in and out of institutes for years) but he was absolutely one of the nicest guys ever. During the course of the day however it struck us that we haddn't seen Vera at all, which was disconcerting.
Third day and with no expo to go to Gib went to the Dark Funeral signing... they were a bunch of arrogant wankers as we'd expected, with still no sign of Vera we just went on with things (we had no way of contacting her) but were obviously somewhat concerned by he continued absence. Well the day went on as usual, no signings or anything so we just hung out with Dave and other bods for a laugh.
Coming back we found Vera and her mum at Torp (the airport), apparently Vera's acid endulgence (she'd snuck 6 tabs through the airport) had left her in a major freak out for 2 days (she was still shaking badly when we found her), but as her mum was a hippy back in the day she was alright. The flight back comprised of me sifting througfh the 944 pics Gib had taken oer the 3 days... we kept 404 of them. Well before landing I remarked that I;d finally ben to a festival without giving myself head trauma... as we grabbed our luggage I hit my head on the overhead baggage compartment... the circle is complete."
My Website's reviews and pictures. There's also some stuff from Taake last month, including some superb pics that Gib managed.
Currently listening to:
Darkspace: Darkspace I
Shining: III: Angst
Sigh: Gallows Gallery
Dodheimsgard: 666 International
Nocternity: Onyx
Enslaved: Isa
Deathspell Omega: Si Momvmentum Requiris Circumspice
Code: Noveau Gloaming
Ah! I must try and go to that Unearthly Trance/Gallhammer/Ramesses gig I saw on your last.fm page. What a killer line-up! Steph adn I will hopefully make it to Horna too 

Sounds pretty interesting, dude. Don't think I'll be off anywhere this year, but if I have any spare cash I may stop by Birmingham for the Supersonic festival. Mowai and SunnO))), fuck yeah!