Woohoo! The internet is fixed. It turned out that the highspeed cable had broken inside the casing, so no-one noticed it until a BT engineer came over this morning to fix at something for a neighbour...
The weekned was a massive stress, my housemates had a halloween party. I avoid our house parties like the plague purely because of the drama that tends to go off at them, and in addition to people getting very angry/upset with each other they also pissed off the old woman across the street but this was solved by shutting the windows at the front of the house... unfortunately the people next doo had had a bit of a shindig themselves and were a bit drunk, now normally they don't care at all about the noise but after a few drinks they got a bit irratable and came over to complain. Problem is that they accidently broke the glass in the front door...
El was very very upset about it all, it took us about half an hour to stop her from killing half the people there (some of them were pissed off at the neighbours for complaining and acting like twats because of it). Thankfully the neighbours came over the next day to apologise and organise a glacier to fix it for us.
Work is going well, my essay on Lorises is taking shape and my method write up for my dissertation has been all but okayed
New albums from 1349 and Cryptopsy have showed up recently (both kick ass) and my tickets for Gorgoroth/1349 and Inferno have showed up

Hope all is well for you all
Random Animal of the Week:
The Leseser Bushbaby (Galago senegalensis)
Lives in verious parts of Subsaharan Africa, eats frits, insects and a lot of tree saps and Gums. Nocturnal, sleeps in groups, forages individually.
The weekned was a massive stress, my housemates had a halloween party. I avoid our house parties like the plague purely because of the drama that tends to go off at them, and in addition to people getting very angry/upset with each other they also pissed off the old woman across the street but this was solved by shutting the windows at the front of the house... unfortunately the people next doo had had a bit of a shindig themselves and were a bit drunk, now normally they don't care at all about the noise but after a few drinks they got a bit irratable and came over to complain. Problem is that they accidently broke the glass in the front door...
El was very very upset about it all, it took us about half an hour to stop her from killing half the people there (some of them were pissed off at the neighbours for complaining and acting like twats because of it). Thankfully the neighbours came over the next day to apologise and organise a glacier to fix it for us.
Work is going well, my essay on Lorises is taking shape and my method write up for my dissertation has been all but okayed

Hope all is well for you all

Random Animal of the Week:

The Leseser Bushbaby (Galago senegalensis)
Lives in verious parts of Subsaharan Africa, eats frits, insects and a lot of tree saps and Gums. Nocturnal, sleeps in groups, forages individually.