For people who just are generally curious about the sex industry, want to ask questions of members, are doing research/need enlightenment, or a place where both workers and consumers can interact (not on a soliciting level) and promote better awareness and understanding. A place for people to post materials, websites, …
Female ejaculation is real. Want to learn how? Want to boast? Come share with us. If you are applying to this group be advised you profile will be reviewed. If you are not an active member on SG you will be denied entry, a profile photo is required. Please keep …
A place for skinny boys and everyone who loves them.
This group is bigger on the inside than it looks from the of the original or the revival, this is the place for you. Looking to trade internationally? Here's the worldwide Who connection. Join now, or we will EX-TER-MIN-ATE!
Got a juicy story you want to share about your latest sexual encounter? Do you just want to live vicariously through the filthy dirty smutty sex lives of others? Maybe you need a little supplement to all the sexy sets on the site- maybe personal accounts just really get you …
Don't you wish you could understand the mixed signals you get from the ladies? Are you sick of boys playing with your emotions? Does your dating life suck? Let's vent! This is the place where boys and girls can share their advice, stories and tips about dating--whatever your definition of …
A group for all you sexy southpaws to come together. Right handed people are also welcome ;-)
A group for discussion and recommendation of Comic Books and other things that fall under the category of Sequential Art.
Movies, books, TV, comics, games, hobbies, interests, obsessions, anything and everything that affects your life and isn't covered in the other groups!