What... the. Fuck??? I seriously began typing this out earlier tonight while watching the Grammy's and got to the last paragraph, when CRASH, no more blog. Seriously, it's like this site WANTS me to keep my money...
Anyhow, I thought I'd start back at the beginning of this blog period, as I hadn't realized that it'd been so long.
New Year's Eve:
What's to follow is probably the mother of all photos dumps, of general hijinks and inspired antics...
(Starting off with an accurate depiction of pretty much every NYE party I've been to at a club)
So I felt that the best way to start off the new year, was with a photo shoot on New Year's morning.
Honestly, I absolutely love this photo. I love how the morning sun just cascades into the hotel room. It's so intimate looking. I just wish I had LightRoom on my MacBook still (I refer you to the previous blog as to why not) as I would love to edit this... JUST a tinge. Incidentally, it's why I haven't posted my 30 Seconds To Mars photos from like two or three months ago. Oddly, I didn't grab my brand new Nikon 3200 (The Christmas present to myself) and out of force of habit (Or muscle memory, who knows) grabbed my older camera. Now I'm curious as to what it would look like with the D3200...
On January 4th, OSU was in the Orange Bowl, so of course I was ready to go.
Needless to say, I was watching Desperately Seeking Susan to get over my incredible sadness again.
What also helped with the pain, was that a really good friend of mine and I came up with a drinking game centered around the now canceled (-sad face-) show Happy Endings. If you can find it on NetFLix or whatever, give it a watch... it's pretty damn funny. Especially when watching it looks like this:
You know... to start out anyhow...
A couple funny photos, this one I came across and laughed a bit:
Well, when you're right you're right, yea?
Ok, so I'm always ribbing a female friend of mine about her Truckasaurus hands and feet and she's always disputing it. So, now I have photographic evidence to finally put the argument to rest:
For the record, I'm actually 6'2" or 1.87 metres. Something to think about, surely...
New tattoos of 2014!!!
The Daruma on the back of my upper right arm that I got as a result of my tattooist losing a bet. Honestly, I'm rather glad that he was a good sport about it.
After four sessions, the Sushi tattoo is FINALLY finished!
I'm not going to lie... the bars on my chest hurt like a BITCH. It actually made me question how the hell I was able to endure getting anything tattooed on my chest at all. However, painful as it was, I never cried nor asked him to stop, jajaja, I just manned up and pushed through.
I finally got the "family" tattoo!
I truly apologize for not having a photo of the actual tattoo, my phone has been acting wonky. Anyhow, my stepfather, the man that raised me and for all intents and purposes my "father" his father had the original GWG (His initials, oddly, my dad was a junior, so his as well) then my dad got the same tattoo but with the clover and I got it with Shuten Doji to round it all out. So, it's as though each generation adds their own persona to it. My grandfather, I wanted it to look like dog tag letters as he was the "Soldier" who spent many years as a Ranger and took that utilitarian lifestyle all the way to his death, my father, the "Lucky One" who is the only person that I know that can get fucked in a situation hard as hell and still come out ten times better for it (So often I even refer to him as Shamrock O'Shaunessey) and then there's me. The Japanese inspired scheming bandit with a weakness for women and alcohol.
Been spending a lot of time HERE lately:
In a bit of honesty, I actually like being around such things as Lingerie (Almost started my own line, of all things) or even fashion in general. One of my favorite parts about going into Victoria's Secret are the greyscaled photos that they have all over the walls. I want to take photos like that and have them super big like that but in my living room or something. The VS in the mall that I used to live next door to in Las Vegas actually still had the photos up that Herb Ritts shot... so you guessed it, I was always in there looking at them. I might as well just get a job there and get it over with.
Oh, but in less than three weeks, (18 Days to be exact) I'll be setting foot off of a plane in my new home of Medellin, Colombia. I already have an apartment, I just need to get a job. I've actually done a couple interviews already via Skype... but honestly, I'm going to need more than $300 a month. It's not that I'm trying to go down there and live all crazy, it's just that my rent alone is $450 a month. So obviously $300 isn't going to cut it. Admittedly, I was SUPPOSED to be going down there with a LOT more money and live high on the hill while taking trips and not having to worry about a job, doing whatever i wanted... but alas, life has a major way of pulling the rug out from under such fellows. At least I've had good friends coming in from out of town and the like, giving me last "hurrahs" goodbye.
There's been some kind of Arctic weather incident making Ohio super fucking cold. I swear, it's like this state WANTS me to leave.
Yea... that was snow in about a half hour.
Me driving in it:
Now that I look at these photos... what the FUCK is wrong with my phone??? It's not this grainy anywhere else.
In preperation of the cold, one of my friends felt that I could deal with some more "glamour"
I hadn't noticed until now, that all year... I've actually been taking photos and putting them on here... not Facebook or even Instagram really. Spooooooky...
I couldn't sleep the other night because quite frankly, I had a fucking crazy streak of inspiration and then it got me excited. About band stuff that I REALLY hope to be able to do when I get to Medellin. Which is actually the source of the title for this blog (Ugh... even since the MySpace days, I STILL haven't gotten used to that word) which I felt would be a really great album title. However, then it did it's usual cycle, flicker of inspiration-> A decent amount of excitement-> Snowballed even more inspiration-> Massive excitement-> Sexual arousal-> Realization that I have to be on stage-> Soul crippling anxiety-> Yet still inspiration... but without as much breathing. I don't now why i get like that... I'm this super outgoing, extroverted hurricane of personality, but the thought of being onstage crushes me with anxiety. Fuck, I'm getting it even now just typing this out. I'm pretty sure that it stems from the tiny little fact that I'm more than confident that I'm rather untalented. Yea... that's probably it. Well, at least a good friend of mine wants me to help her record a song before I leave. I guess my "insurance policy" has it's merits. In that I took the time and effort to bang out classes in not only Music Business but a year each of Audio Production and Vocal Technique. So that I'd be such a tremendous asset to any band that has the fortunate luck to have me in it... so then this way, I'd be too valuable to kick out, based solely upon the merit of my own untalented musings. Jajajaja...! It's genius!!!
Some more photos of me, breaking the phobia:
I think that may be it... I tried to remember everything from before it got deleted and of course, I feel as though I forgot a lot. Well, there's always coming back for the edits. My closing "advice" this time:
Because nothing says "awesome" like getting in the mail last week, a hand made gift that was ordered months ago from Italy for someone... AFTER they stopped giving a shit about you. Take my word for it...