Ok, I'm going to start out with something that may or may not piss a lot of people off... I just want to get it out of the way... so I'll spoiler it, in the case that someone just wants to go on without encountering them.
The song in my car that got me looks actually happened today... while at the top of my lungs, I belted this one out:
It's funny because I think I had a similar hairstyle to the lead singer's while they're in the field around this time.
Although, as I was giving a lady friend of mine a ride home after our date at 8AM a few days ago, I was getting a lot of weird looks while this played
Then again... it could be looks of envy, as at the time, I had a coiffure of pink in my lap. (Kind of hard to hide that) Envy perhaps that I'd already accomplished on their drives to work, what they may or may not take all day to do. I mean, don't get me wrong, I was winding down my night, but they probably didn't know that.
Sooo... being as though I've been hitting the dating scene back with a vengeance, I've opted to do some searching online at dating sites as well. I like the prospect of it, as it's kind of like chatting up girls while I sleep, despite it's watered down approach to dating. Although, something I do find funny is how guarded women are on there... in which it takes a few emails to get a number from a girl, whereas it would literally take me minutes in person. "But every guy on the internet is psychotic...!" I've actually heard from numerous girls. Which, if you feel that way, take down your damn profile. Besides, like I can actually say that every woman I've met in person can actually pass the sanity bar. Or even more half of them, for that matter. Anyhow, I got sidetracked as the only reason I bring this up, is that I came across a profile of a woman... who happens to be my mother's married sister. I recognized her from the photos, that I could've gone without seeing mind you, but I digress. So for some reason, I thought it'd be funny to see what she'd put. There are some things that you CAN'T unsee people... no matter how much you want to take an acetylene torch to your eyes, the memory of reading such things is forever scrawled in the restroom stalls of your memory. I did NOT need to know what all kinds of kinky sex shit my aunt was into. At which I'm pretty sure that her husband is quite unaware. She likes to project herself as one of those Stepford Suzie homemaker types. So, I'm left with the every resounding question of... what should I do with said knowledge? Honestly, I'd love to just forget that this had ever happened, though I do rather like her husband and I think cheating on your spouse is one of the worst offenses someone can ever do... so I'm left with a moral dilemma. Wait, my god, what if she knows I saw it? Holy shit, that never occurred to me. I mean, yea, there's a lot of incriminating things on MY profile, though not anything that would surprise anyone, as I'm pretty open about such things. I just don't want to be cornered by her at the next family barbeque going on about "Sooooo... what's new?" All the while, knowing that she knows that I know.
So, some fun things that have happened recently:
I was watching Steve Wilkos and this woman yelled to another woman that "You don't know what you're talking about, just shut your mouth before you look stupider!!!" Thought I'd share that. Pots and Kettles people, pots and kettles...
I finally started watching American Horror Story a few weeks ago. SInce then, it's been nominated for something like 13 Emmys, go figure. Anyhow, I got halfway through the first episode and was HOOKED. I loved the first episode and despite everyone telling me that the second season was better, I wouldn't have it. Although, I can see how the second season is better to everyone, as it's way more emotionally investive. You actually start to feel for the villains... not something I can actually say often, if at all. It's a great show, go watch it!
The new Oldboy remake trailer is out
Actually, when I heard that Josh Brolin was going to be in it and it was directed by Spike Lee, despite my liking of Josh Brolin, I knew it was going to be garbage. Ok ok, admittedly, had I never seen the original, this actually would look like something I'd want to see. Although, there's an ending to the original that would no way pass into American cinema whatsoever and even from this trailer, I can tell that they didn't keep it, so I'm severely disappointed about that.
So this guy Anthony Weiner wants to be mayor of New York City but people are weary of him because he's sent lewd photos to women all the way to last year... so fucking what, I'm guilty of doing that all the way up until an hour ago. Whoopty fucking whoo...
The royal baby was born... just what the British people need, another King George, psh. You'll have to forgive me, I have a certain distaste for "Princess Kate" and things related to her. A little backstory, I'm a gambler. Hence the name "Bakuto." Japanese for gambler... haha, gambler that always wins. Anyhow, I'll bet on anything with more than one outcome. Sporting events, a baby's sex at an ultrasound, court verdicts... hell, even paternity results on Maury. Anyhow, I racked up some bets for details in the Royal wedding. Is the dress going to be white? Is William going to go for the traditional tux, or the military uniform? Just things like this... and lost close to four grand. Even the safe bets I made to cover in case I lost the risky ones fell through. Seriously, what chinsy woman has the nerve to make the girl carrying the train taller than her??? The woman was in the royal family for all of but five minutes and she was already ruining my life. Pfft, Kate...
There's this Ariel Castro guy in Cleveland, that a girl escaped his house and got help... come to find out, he was holding three women captive... for ten years!!! They went both horizontal AND vertical on his ass with like 950+ counts against him. Then... THEN, this guy has the balls to plea "Not Guilty" while falling asleep as the judge is talking to him at the proceedings. I wish I had balls that big and brassy. I mean, they found them at HIS house, they all three have testimonies against him, not to mention other incriminating evidence. The defense attorneys said tonight that they won't say anything about plea bargains blah blah blah... Honestly, I'd LOVE to be the prosecutor on that case. I'd tell him honestly, "You're not pleading out, boyo. I've got your ass dead to rights." Then my opening and closing arguments would be a little like this: "You're fucking kidding me, right jury? Come on..." That shit has got to be a lay-up.
Sooo... kind of noticed that I kind of avoid having my photo taken a lot. I think it might actually be on the verge of a phobia. Despite having modeled in the past. I think it's because I know a photographer wouldn't use the shitty photos and I do like good ones of me. In that I'll be all "No no no, don't take a photo of me..." but then if it turned out to be a good one, I'm fine with it. I don't know... anyhow, I've kind of been trying to make more of an effort to take my camera with me everywhere (My phone's all locked up... from saving lewd photos sent to me) and trying to change that. Here is one such attempt:
Hahaha, rocking my D&G shades downtown at Zoup!
So, there's been this really crazy heat wave this last week or so, that actually has my room pushing at about 110 degrees... like 44 if you're not in America. So, after all the mosquito bite fest I had mentioned in my last blog, to which I counted a serious 47 bites, I kind of got hopped up on Benedryl that weekend... then dragged ass, only to launch into one of my all time famous three to four days without sleep "Cycles." Yay! So, to pass the time, I kind of started getting creative in the kitchen, with some killer tofu
And oddly, I came up with this crazy idea that if French Toast is awesome, what about a sandwich made that way??? So, I took some "turkey" threw it into a sandwich with some "cheese" and sliced red pepper, dipped the whole thing into some beaten eggs, then fried it. It was great... tin such a way that a little tweeking with seasonings or something, perhaps a sauce, and it'll be phenomenal.
As Penelope Cruz would put it... Delicioso!
So, my tattooist of over three years (Hard to believe that I've spent over 70 hours of actual needle in skin time, in his chair) had a party for his shop's second anniversary. It was actually pretty cool. There were a lot of people there. Also, two bands performed, one was Les Roms and the other was Pegasister.
I found this website that if you submit something you've written, it'll analyze it and tell you whose style is most like yours. I know I know, It's probably for entertainment purposes, but I was in the mood to be entertained. I submitted my last blog and it told me that I write like Chuck Palanuik. Not really sure how to take that, as I've only seen the movie Fight Club and read none of his books yet... although I did rather LIKE Fight Club. So, I thought I'd be a smart ass and submit this long erotica short story I wrote... five times. All five times it told me that I write like Anne Rice. Though that was kind of funny.
So, after everything in my last blog, I've actually noticed that I've been drinking more. (Although for some reason, I've been writing songs and poems... so I guess that might be a good thing. Especially if I can turn those poems INTO songs) Case in point, I've been saving my alcohol bottles for this genius photo shoot that I have outlined, so I'm going through the deep freeze for one of my Kissui Vodka bottles. I noticed that there was only one in there. So, I originally had three and one was already drank. Alas, there I was, digging through the deep freeze with numb aching fingers, looking for this other bottle, pissed because I can only get it by importing it from Japan myself... only to look up and it was empty in my prop box. Of course I'm thinking "What the shit...?" But I drank it and didn't even know. Kind of weirded me out a little.
I was online ordering a book a few weeks ago, in fact this one:
It was alluded to me, that as an aspiring musician, this book is going to be my bible. Since having it, at four chapters in I can see why. There's some rather interesting perspectives on things and I'm in dire need of a major paradigm shift. Say what you will about Gene Simmons, but the man has done VERY well for himself. Anyone that knows me, knows that I have this thing about reading the autobiographies of rockstars, as I kind of look at them as manuals. Kind of a "How to..." of things I should/could do and things to try and avoid. Things of that nature.
Although, while ordering this book, it popped up with the "We think you might like THIS book"
My knee jerk response was of course "Damn Amazon, you read me like a fucking poem, of COURSE I want that...!" I didn't even know it was out. I got it and pretty much banged through it in less than a day. Love me some Ratt, For those of you that don't know, Stephan Pearcy's band Ratt is responsible for such exquisite songs as this one:
You've just got to love a song that uses "And how!" so poignantly. I just wish I could get away with a lot of the things in this video... but I was born but a couple decades too late. Admittedly, that kid does kind of creep me out... not to mention the clown. Oh man, the clown. Ok ok, I know, a lot of people are Coulrophobic, but mine is different. Being as though I grew up poor, none of my friends or even myself had any at birthdays or such as kids, so my first experience as a tiny kid, I refer you to the "1988" photo in my Attachments folder, towards the bottom... when a friend and I found a half decomposed body of a clown, the victim of a robbery gone bad. Then, very shortly thereafter, IT came out and being as though Pennywise was the first clown figure I'd ever seen that was actually moving, I thought they were SUPPOSED to be scary. Like when I'd see them at the circus, people would be weary of them and I thought they were supposed to scare people and get the excitement up. I actually didn't know that they were supposed to be funny and jokey with balloon animals and whatnot until I was about 12. I know, in retrospect, it seems silly, but it's kind of like that first bite of sushi... if it's gross, then chances are you're not going to have it again, based upon that first impressionable experience.
So I've actually had this thing about shooting clouds lately.
Haha, like my fire breathing dragon?
Oddly, that's with not a single pixel of editing...
I was at a lady friend's and she was watching the Bachelorette. Never in my life have I been physically inspired to wretch and damn near vomit so many times within the span of an hour. That is all.
So I was at the park yesterday afternoon for this event with shoe companies, called A Mile In Our Shoes for... a heart charity I believe, I could be mistaken. Anyhow, a lot of shoe companies were there, Adidas, New Balance, Saucony, Mizuno, etc. So the premise is that you try on a pair of shoes, then go run a mile in them.
There was food there and I think I may have gone a bit overboard with it and the Gatorade, as later that night
Another Avion Tequila event!!!
So I loaded up the parking meter with change until I had no more, which left me at 9:58PM, which was awesome as the meters turn free in Columbus at 10, so that was cool. Then, I get in there, tell them how I was invited and it was free Avion drinks all night, in addition to the tastings for the competition... and free tacos all night as well.
Yea, the crazy hair... that's after the wind had it's way with it on the walk from where I parked to the bar. Haha, I curse my mom on a weekly basis for having slept with a Puerto Rican. It's kind of funny as I showed up with the sun still out, hence the sunglasses.
I had a shit ton of these:
The lobster tank...
An all ice sculpture
Annnnnnd the grab bag...
Which I got three of. Sneaky sneaky...
Inside is an Avion Espresso t-shirt, an Avion recipe booklet and an actual set of four thick Avion Tequila shot glasses. A friend of mine in Medellin LOVES tequila, so I was thinking of sending one of the bags to her.
So anyways, I actually had to leave one of my drinks with about 3/4 left in it, on the table, as I wasn't feeling well. WIth all the food from earlier, plus all the shots and drinks... not to mention tacos, my stomach started to ache rather badly. Believe me, leaving 3/4 of a drink on the table is nothing short of heresy for me. If you ever see that happen, something is VERY wrong. So, I left at about 10:20 and when I got to my car, wouldn't you know it:
There's a damn parking ticket awaiting me upon my windshield. For... drumroll please, you guessed it, dated at 9:59PM. Honestly, I'm pretty sure he did his rounds at like 9:30 and just wrote the ticket then. I mean, who the hell comes running out of a bar to feed change into a meter for two minutes?
Something rather funny and quite unexpected happened the other day. I should probably backload it with saying that I have this... thing, in which I don't really feel at home anywhere, per se. Which is probably why I move around from city to city, state to state, out of country even. Hell, I even feel like a foreigner living in my hometown right now. So, I often reason that if I'm going to be a foreigner, why not be a foreigner? Anyhow, I wish this stopped there, but it also kind of extends to most aspects of my life. In which I feel out of place as though something isn't quite right. Which is one of the big reasons I found myself on SuicideGirls in the first place... well, that and the set Harder by Binah. Nevertheless, I kind of felt a little better being here, talking with like minded people, so on and forth, I mean, it was kind of like putting a band-aid on a shot wound, but it was something. Even the sets were really good and inspired me to create ideas for sets of my own. It's like the site nurtured my every corner. However, I feel as though SG is something of a victim of it's own success. There was a rather good run there in which this was probably the premiere place to see girls like this, but now, SG has permeated pop culture and yes, it's great to see high fashion couture models looking like they just got out of prison as the catwalk down the runway, but the down side is, that if I'm seeing it socially accepted all around me, then why would I come here? Especially when there are sets on the front page while really great sets with higher percentage AND comment count go left untouched. Anyhow, not only that, but the "Home-ish" feeling has sort of been fading away as well. My account expires next month I believe and I was just going to let it lapse, making my blog after this one... hell, perhaps this one my "goodbye" one. Then something happened the other day, that the leader of one of the groups (Probably the largest one I'm in short of the "Tattoos" one) I'm in had let their account lapse about a month ago and the subject came up of finding a new one. Lo and behold, there were a bunch of people that came up with only one name amongst the lot of them... Bakuto. I was thoroughly surprised. I truly was. I don't know, it kind of gave me a renewed sense of... enthusiasm for being on here. Anyhow, the leader came back and it was fun to think about for a couple days. My account is still going to lapse next month, but being as though I don't know what day exactly, I might be gone for a few days, but yes, I WILL be back.
In the immortal words of Leslie Chow, when doing "blow"
"Sometime your heart stop, sometime it start again... read a book!"
Oh, and before I go, some advice for the guys out there:
