Jaja, if you actually get that title and how it correlates with things, you're awesome.
Firstly, let me say "Merry Christmas Eve, Eve" to everyone.
To fill in anyone not "in the know" I've been gone for... well, almost a year. A quick breeze through my last installments would pretty much allude to any questions as to why. In short I was regretful of the...
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Honestly, I'd never really understood that until this week. I always thought it was just some arbitrary idealistic term for something needed in a song. However, it's rather true... too much makes you high and not enough makes you die. I know, a bit melodramatic, but this week I've experienced both.
As you may have noticed, the city on my profile is different, so yes,...
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Incidentally, as I sit here and type this, wracking my head for a title, on the TV in the background is THIS song:
So, there you have it...
Probably not a lot going on in the last week, so this might not be a long one. Although things DID happen nonetheless.
To start out, last Monday I went to meet my mother and her sister...
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What... the. Fuck??? I seriously began typing this out earlier tonight while watching the Grammy's and got to the last paragraph, when CRASH, no more blog. Seriously, it's like this site WANTS me to keep my money...
Anyhow, I thought I'd start back at the beginning of this blog period, as I hadn't realized that it'd been so long.
New Year's Eve:
What's to follow...
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Ok, this one is probably going to be quite a few photos. Most of which, I apologize for in advance as I apparently passed more than a few full length mirrors and decided to take advantage of them.
Starting off... I apparently have a short time left on this website, hence the title of the blog. I refer you to my previous blog as to...
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My fucking god... how long has it been? Two months at least? I have to be completely honest and say that it actually took a few minutes for me to even see how to post a new blog. Then, I began typing it in the "Title" bar. So, I apologize ahead of time if this looks anything less than stellar.
Went and saw 30 Seconds...
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Apparently, last time, my blog was on the Front Page... kind of sort of.

As the countdown for the government shutdown is on, with an hour left... I don't know, not much
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Look at that doggie at the end

Oh nice, this blog is actually considerably smaller than usual. Go figure.
Where to start... well, I missed my Law class today... but I did watch Franklin & Bash. That counts, right?
Some fun updates in the world around me:
I missed the Masquerade... as well as pretty much everything else this summer.
Ben Affleck...
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So what's your favourite picture of the set?

You look good with beard! Comming with a lady with a way-too-bearded boyfriend! haha
I'll start off with a few questions that are more than likely a testament as to how random my thought train is:
How is it that when you're in a long line, that people that get fed up and leave... are NEVER anybody in front of you?
How come the Pope is never in South America when I am?
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Ok, I'm going to start out with something that may or may not piss a lot of people off... I just want to get it out of the way......
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If you live in America, this is something of a big deal. Haha, what better way to celebrate the birth of your nation's independence than to blow up a large chunk of it?
I hadn't seen any fireworks for sale ANYWHERE. Not even poppers or smoke bombs at the stores.
As some of you may have noticed, I've been kind...
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Greetings from Medelln, Colombia!
Well, actually, I'm back now, but I was going to make this last week while I was there in El Poblado and I liked the opening. Whatever, sue me.
This is an unusual turn of events, usually I really don't know what to say when updating these, but this time... I really don't know where to start. I...
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love you, kisses!