Just added new pix. Don't get too excited, they're from my wrestling career.
If one more fucking ass that I work with decides to make commentary on my weight, I will come off of hiatus for a one-time appearance and suplex their ass right through a table. Every day it's "oh my God you're so huge, you must be having twins."
Yes, I must be, you effing dildo, it's amazing how my doctors have yet to pick up on that from exams and ultrasounds while you can tell from across the room. I am not really that big. I have half a mind to post a pic of my pregnant tummy solely to prove that I have not become a behemoth. I'm round, and I'm big, but I'm not of monstrous proportions.
Yeah, I'm grouchy today, no particular reason besides the place of work is stressing me out. But I only have like a month left to go before maternity leave, and then I won't have to worry about that for three long months. Wooohooo!
If one more fucking ass that I work with decides to make commentary on my weight, I will come off of hiatus for a one-time appearance and suplex their ass right through a table. Every day it's "oh my God you're so huge, you must be having twins."
Yes, I must be, you effing dildo, it's amazing how my doctors have yet to pick up on that from exams and ultrasounds while you can tell from across the room. I am not really that big. I have half a mind to post a pic of my pregnant tummy solely to prove that I have not become a behemoth. I'm round, and I'm big, but I'm not of monstrous proportions.
Yeah, I'm grouchy today, no particular reason besides the place of work is stressing me out. But I only have like a month left to go before maternity leave, and then I won't have to worry about that for three long months. Wooohooo!
where did i put that thing?
i so want to see you wrastle
i love me some wrastlin
well kinda
Fuck the assholes giving you shit about your weight. Some people are so fucking insensitive.