Cat (that's me) is tired. Emily decided she wanted to wake me up this morning at six AM to hang out. So I fed her, and then she dozed off. I put her in her crib, which she decided she wanted nothing to do with. She wanted mommy to hold her, or she wanted nothing. Until of course my mother and my sister came to take me to the bridal place. Then she wanted grandma to hold her while she made weird faces at mommy.
Those bridal people are so pushy and rude. I'm so glad my mom was there. I tried on some nice dresses, but no purchases yet. I'll let you all know.
Fuck, like 3 highly obnoxious people just signed on. I wish I had had the foresight to put up an away message. Drat.
Okay, so someone go here and nominate me for one of the top 50 indy wrestlers (female) . My wrestling name is Catra, and though I haven't worked a match in 10 months, I still like to get publicity. Please. Thank you.

Things with Ed are okay again. When we're grouchy at the same time, that's bad news. He has off tomorrow, we're taking the baby to the mall to show her off, LOL.

-Captain Deez-