Every post has to start out with something about Emily. But she looks so cute today... wearing her little Hawaiian dress-and-hat combo. And hats make her little cheeks look even chubblier. I could just eat her up, she's that cute. As soon as I can get ny godforsaken scanner to work, I'll post pix. Until then... well, until then, no pix.
I cannot wait to go to Long Island. I was riving to work today so I could add the baby to my insurance, and even though she was asleep in her car seat right behind me and I was actually driving furtehr into Pennsylvania rather than northeast toward LI, I felt like it was last summer and I was just starting out to go visit Ed for the weekend.
I can't believe it's been a year since we started hanging out again. It's come a long way from someone who was too emotionally scarred to lay in bed with me for even a minute after sex to someone who climbs into bed with me (or in my nest on the floor of the baby's room) and holds me for ten minutes just so he can tell me he loves me.
He's changed so much in the past year. Well, of course we both have. But I can really see it in him. When he opened the door last June, after I hadn't seen him for 4 months and Emma had died and all that, he looked so sad and skinny and tired and all I had wanted to do was hold him and tell him it was okay. Now... well, he still looks tired, but for a different reason, and I still want to hold him, but not cuz he's sad. I can't even explain it, it's like I watched him grow over the past year. I'm not saying I did anything, I just watched. And it's all weird and cool and slightly surreal.
Okay, no one has any idea what I'm talking about. I'm gonna go pack Emily's clothes for tomorrow.
I cannot wait to go to Long Island. I was riving to work today so I could add the baby to my insurance, and even though she was asleep in her car seat right behind me and I was actually driving furtehr into Pennsylvania rather than northeast toward LI, I felt like it was last summer and I was just starting out to go visit Ed for the weekend.
I can't believe it's been a year since we started hanging out again. It's come a long way from someone who was too emotionally scarred to lay in bed with me for even a minute after sex to someone who climbs into bed with me (or in my nest on the floor of the baby's room) and holds me for ten minutes just so he can tell me he loves me.
He's changed so much in the past year. Well, of course we both have. But I can really see it in him. When he opened the door last June, after I hadn't seen him for 4 months and Emma had died and all that, he looked so sad and skinny and tired and all I had wanted to do was hold him and tell him it was okay. Now... well, he still looks tired, but for a different reason, and I still want to hold him, but not cuz he's sad. I can't even explain it, it's like I watched him grow over the past year. I'm not saying I did anything, I just watched. And it's all weird and cool and slightly surreal.
Okay, no one has any idea what I'm talking about. I'm gonna go pack Emily's clothes for tomorrow.

and i dont get sick of hearin about her