Just to let you all know, I have decided that from this day forth, I will be SuburbanSlave's horny girlie stalker from Pennsylvania. But shhhh... don't tell her. It's no fun if you start out knowing who your stalker is. She'll have to figure it out.
I am soooo looking forward to Thursday. After Ed gets off work, we're packing up Emily and driving to Long Island to spend the 4th at his parents' house. I haven't been up there since he moved in... going on 4 months. And it's like a mini vacation up there. So many good things have happened there for me, so many good memories. I can't wait. And now we can show off the baby... apparently all his friends (well, most of them) are eager to see her. And it'll be two nights when Ed and I can sleep in the same bed. Assuming he sleeps and doesn't revert back to his "I only sleep during daylight" habits when he's home. Right now we split shifts on the floor in Emily's room... at least til I get comfortable and learn to trust the baby monitor, LOL.
After paging through bridal magazines today, I picked out my wedding dress. Unfortunately finding it is going to be difficult. Oh well, I have like a year.
Mmmm, Law & Order is on... *salivates*

I am soooo looking forward to Thursday. After Ed gets off work, we're packing up Emily and driving to Long Island to spend the 4th at his parents' house. I haven't been up there since he moved in... going on 4 months. And it's like a mini vacation up there. So many good things have happened there for me, so many good memories. I can't wait. And now we can show off the baby... apparently all his friends (well, most of them) are eager to see her. And it'll be two nights when Ed and I can sleep in the same bed. Assuming he sleeps and doesn't revert back to his "I only sleep during daylight" habits when he's home. Right now we split shifts on the floor in Emily's room... at least til I get comfortable and learn to trust the baby monitor, LOL.
After paging through bridal magazines today, I picked out my wedding dress. Unfortunately finding it is going to be difficult. Oh well, I have like a year.
Mmmm, Law & Order is on... *salivates*
are you going to post the dress you chose in your pictures so we could see it?