I could honestly be sick to my stomach right now. Today is apparently not a good day. I want to kill people and burn things. But I don't know what *really* to do. I am so sick of being pregnant. I am so sick of having to wait and get people to do things for me. I am so sick of not trusting Ed and finding things that make me out-of-my-mind furious and hurt and sick. I am so incredibly sick of being lied to. I am so sick of being fat and unattractive and barely even being able to put my own shoes on. I am so sick of the place being a mess and even though I clean all day nothing seems to get done and now we have ants. I am so sick of everything and I just wish the bad things would go away and the baby would come and the computer would break and we'd never get a new one and I was back to the way I used to be, when i could fit into jeans with zippers and I could pick up stuff off the floor and take out my own trash and move my own furniture.
when are you due?