Wheeeee! I killed the strange germs that lived in my lymph glands! Well, I didn't, but good ol' Keflex did. AND I got laid last night. The real good ass-slapping, hair-pulling, from-behind sex. Rarrrr! AND I got off. AND it was spectacular. All in all, I am doing much better today than I was on Monday.
*Swoons* Lenore left me a suggestive comment. Oh Lord, have I been so good lately that You have decided to smile Your great white light down upon me?
Being melodramatic and corny is fun.
Tee hee.
So it looks like finally I may be having some luck with the ladies. This girl from bangme.net (yes, I know, the ultimate in cheesiness, but hey, I'll take what I can get) sent me the ever-popular "b-mail" and suggested we hook up. Me, my guy, her friend, and her. She lives like 20 minutes away too. And she's not heinous, or fourteen, or mall-goth. Almost seems too good to be true. Eh, we shall see.
Alright you all who have been so charmingly supportive of my past few angsty entries, I am off to celebrate the demise of my cellulitis by eating solid food.
for you all.

*Swoons* Lenore left me a suggestive comment. Oh Lord, have I been so good lately that You have decided to smile Your great white light down upon me?
Being melodramatic and corny is fun.

So it looks like finally I may be having some luck with the ladies. This girl from bangme.net (yes, I know, the ultimate in cheesiness, but hey, I'll take what I can get) sent me the ever-popular "b-mail" and suggested we hook up. Me, my guy, her friend, and her. She lives like 20 minutes away too. And she's not heinous, or fourteen, or mall-goth. Almost seems too good to be true. Eh, we shall see.
Alright you all who have been so charmingly supportive of my past few angsty entries, I am off to celebrate the demise of my cellulitis by eating solid food.

Damn, y dont any hot chicks ever invite me over?!?! So um, this might be kinda personal, but how are u gonna hook up with ppl when u are about to pop??? Im still stuck in shock that u have sex - my best firend makes fun of me cause it creeps me out. She is due in August and plans on having sex right up until that time and I just think its weird, but I guess my day will come and Ill be having sex too - BLAH - dont mind me, I can ramble on for hours. Anyway, Im glad u are feeling better!!! 

you are a sex machine and my newest friend. all it took was one response on the boards and a quick read of your journal, oh and the pics helped. so i added you to make sure i don't forget to keep up on your exploits.