I can't decide what to do tonight... PA state fair (since it's the first night, alot of things are free), see The Matrix (which I've been looking forward to), or stay home and sleep (always up for that). But I haven't had so many choices in awhile.
I just talked to one of my "friends" from years gone by, this guy Noah. Actually all we really ever were was friends, more or less, and anything else is a deep dark secret that I don't like to talk about. Anyway, he's living well right now, he's got a great job and he's in grad school and he seems very happy. He seemed surprised by my life right now, especially because he remembers when I used to hate Ed (and rightly so-- stay tuned, perhaps one day I'll feel like unloading that here in my SG journal) but whatever, he sounded genuinely happy to hear that I'm happy, and I am, and that'd all that matters.
Then my "brother" Stu IM'd me and it was like Old Home Day on the instant messenger. Makes you wonder why guys are better friends than girls.
That annoys me. I used to have these two chicks that I was friends with (one more than the other) who lived together out yonder in western PA. I knew the one girl for years, ever since I, like, got AOL. The other girl got to know me cuz she knew Ed in his other-life days (doesn't that just sound so "All My Children"?) and while I suppose she was wary of me at first-- seeing as I "stole" him and "seduced" him and all sorts of other madness (for the record, I never stole anyone from anything, and the day I have to seduce someone is... damn... was the day I started to show)-- she was soon overcome by my charm.
So I'm done being cryptic now and I can get on with the story... I used to talk to the girls all the time and I even went out west to visit them at the end of the summer and things were cool up until I got pregnant. Then it got weird with the girl who had known Ed, she was like weirdly jealous and weirdly overprotective of "the memory of the deceased", if I remember the phrasing correctly. And then I just fell out of touch with her roommate and for girls who had sworn to be so supportive of me... well... yeah. Girls suck.
Not all of them, I do havea few female friends. Just some.
Ahhhhhhh! So itchy! Must go have shower.
I just talked to one of my "friends" from years gone by, this guy Noah. Actually all we really ever were was friends, more or less, and anything else is a deep dark secret that I don't like to talk about. Anyway, he's living well right now, he's got a great job and he's in grad school and he seems very happy. He seemed surprised by my life right now, especially because he remembers when I used to hate Ed (and rightly so-- stay tuned, perhaps one day I'll feel like unloading that here in my SG journal) but whatever, he sounded genuinely happy to hear that I'm happy, and I am, and that'd all that matters.
Then my "brother" Stu IM'd me and it was like Old Home Day on the instant messenger. Makes you wonder why guys are better friends than girls.
That annoys me. I used to have these two chicks that I was friends with (one more than the other) who lived together out yonder in western PA. I knew the one girl for years, ever since I, like, got AOL. The other girl got to know me cuz she knew Ed in his other-life days (doesn't that just sound so "All My Children"?) and while I suppose she was wary of me at first-- seeing as I "stole" him and "seduced" him and all sorts of other madness (for the record, I never stole anyone from anything, and the day I have to seduce someone is... damn... was the day I started to show)-- she was soon overcome by my charm.
So I'm done being cryptic now and I can get on with the story... I used to talk to the girls all the time and I even went out west to visit them at the end of the summer and things were cool up until I got pregnant. Then it got weird with the girl who had known Ed, she was like weirdly jealous and weirdly overprotective of "the memory of the deceased", if I remember the phrasing correctly. And then I just fell out of touch with her roommate and for girls who had sworn to be so supportive of me... well... yeah. Girls suck.
Not all of them, I do havea few female friends. Just some.
Ahhhhhhh! So itchy! Must go have shower.
ohhh, PA state fair you say? where is that at? i've been wanting to go to a fair. however, i'm a wimp and it's a little too cold for me to be spending lots of time outside. i am going to see the matrix though. wondering if i'm crazy. i'm not really fond of "opening night" crowds.
the whole situation with the girl Ed has known sounds weird. not sure i really understand it. perhaps she has a thing for your guy?!
i agree. girls can suck (as proven by my lack of female friends). don't get me wrong, i've met some really cool chicks, and have a couple i call as friends. i would totally love to have a really close female friend, however, maybe i meet the wrong kind of girls, but usually things fall apart. too much competition, too much jealousy... i don't want that drama.
what kind of itchy?
i hate weirdness between friends