A question for any SGs/attempted SGs who might be reading:

How the hell do you do outdoor sets? Do most of you ladies do it guerilla style, or do you ask permission from property owners? Are arrests for indecent exposure common?

In other news, I just acquired a bootlegged Public Image Ltd. DVD about which I am ridiculously excited. ARRR!!!
Not mine ... but from a friend, David, that became my first CD cover after the exposition series we did together. Do you like it ? there is another one from is work in my nude pics in the "nude & portrait" folder.

Ahh I love cats miao!! but I dont have one..so jerking off it is then. Actually even that is difficult as the first images that spring to mind are from the last 6 months..sigh..

Can't answer the outdoor thing..guess the moral of the story is..dont get caught! Maybe have other people looking out for you to check the area is ok?

Your pics are great- why did they reject you? Some of the decisions made on this website are very bizarre.

PiL? Interesting band weren't they? Dont tend to get much exposure but maybe because they were ahead of their time. Good basslines too..the power of a good bassline should never be underestimated..NEVER!
My landlords are lame. Bush is lame. And Celine Dion is raping John Lennon's corpse as we speak.

...So why am I worried about homework? There are bitches to smack.

Okay, the rejects are up. With goofy captions.

I would hope you would expect no less.

Next time, we're using an actual camera, aren't we, badcommie? kiss love
Pretty but this is because you are in them. I can see the lighting concerns but who knows. May I offer a suggestion? The housewife thing has kinda been done. Go for something over the top. Like Mud covered. A tribute to NIN and the woodstock show. That was sexy. ( it is here where I note I am not gay but hey sexy is sexy ) Or something timely like. Tax season. Filling out a 1099 long form surrounded by boxes and boxes of receipts and one of those old adding machine and the nerdy look of coarse. Kinda been done before but is timely none the less. Or on the bridge used in Evil Dead. ( see my folder ) Kinda lightly zombied out.Darkness falling and using headlights to light the bridge up. Perfect for Halloween. The downside would be traffic but you can have two-way radio to let you know and the road is seldom traveled. I have other pics of catwalks and ruined out buildings if that would be something you would like. But hey anything with you in it is awesome.

Did you find a place in K-town to live yet or are you moving to Chi-town. I am curious what is a zip code in Chicago I am hunting a friend hopefully on SG...

you, you are gorgeous; I think that in fact the photographs are not appropriate. I find them too flat, it is due to lighting... You should try again with a natural light... and without the flash...

My first photoset was rejected. I can see why...and now y'all can, too.

Look in the Pics section...it's all there, bad lighting and all wink

[EDIT] Never mind...I'll put them up tomorrow. It's time for bed.
My soon-to-be former roommate's mom has cancer.

It's probably terminal.

Keep her in your thoughts.
hugs around!
I have more to spare if you need them, or someone to talk to. smile
I learned yesterday that sleep deprivation leads to a somewhat drunken state. It sure was interesting...

Now off to my homework.

This shirt won't get you friendly looks while walking down the street, either. oink oink

I just found out that I'm gonna hafta move. AGAIN. And 4 months before I graduate, 5 months before I move to Chicago.

I have moved a total of 7 times (!!!) in the past 4 years. I guess it'll be a nice even number soon...

I am NOT getting rid of my cat, though, so don't even ask. I love that cat like...
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Thank you for your mail ! smile

Hey that was nice to read some french in it. To be true, it isn't an easy thing for me to write in english too confused but I'm slowly making progress.

About Brian Eno, well I can see in your profile that we have some common tastes but, curiously, I don't know well Can and Suicide : I have to fix that ...

additionad: Well...I'm from Knoxville, but I'm no longer living there...I'm sending transmissions from an undisclosed location (along with Dick Cheney, hehehe). But I appreciate the tip.

crimsondefrag: Can and Suicide are both absolutely amazing. *sigh*

love love love to everyone!
I have yet to discuss anything political here, but those who know me personally know that almost above all else I am a political whore. Lately, because of school and post-election-defeat stress, I haven't been *gasp* paying much attention to political developments.

But the fact that President Bush wants $87 BILLION more for the "wars" (even though I thought major combat operations had ceased) in...
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Thanks for adding me as a friend. biggrin

Feel free to join the Liberal Politics and Michael Moore Fans group (if you like him) here. The Liberal Politics group has grown a great deal over the past year and sees daily activity.

Bush is a horrible loser. I can't believe that the American people elected that guy. Of course, after Florida 2000, it should have been Gore running for re-election, huh? wink
Yeah, no shit. Gore has been giving some amazingly fiery speeches in the past couple of years...fuck, man, if he'd been doing that in '00, instead of acting like a goddamn wooden ruler, he probably would've won, and we wouldn't be dealing with the shit we are now. But, y'know, wishful thinking and all.

The one thing I wish people would stop fucking talking about is Obama in '08. I think he's absolutely amazing (as did, what, 80-some percent of Bush voters in Illinois? I'll have to ask my friends who live there for the exact figure), but the man is still green. We should let him ripen and naturally rise to national prominence. But that's just my humble opinion.

Thanks for the invite to the groups...will probably join the Lib group (not much of a Moore fan).

So I haven't eaten meat in 8 days. This vegetarian thing ain't that difficult after all.

Margot has the best tattoo ever.
Well, kids, my photoset has been sent to Missy. *crossing fingers* Wish me luck! ooo aaa
Well, badcommie took my first photoset last night. The shoot went ridiculously well (even though my prima donna demands often frightened the photographer), but hopefully soon some of my nekkid goodness will be on display right here in SG-ville. Once I do some sorting and such, I'll be able to submit it. I'm way too fucking excited about this. biggrin

Meanwhile, in my neck of the...
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