Take it, bitches.

It'll give you something to do while I finish my homework.
Ok I have a whole list of points...
1) Where pray tell, did you get an idea to do a quiz from? huh? *jabs finger*
2) Some frankly bizarre questions!
3) Answer: Fuck you...!
4) 'take it bitch'..bit aggressive arent you?
5) Damn, I wanted a big score to impress you
6) No, you take it bitch..and when you do it will be 'pleasant'
7) Remember Shakespeare later and that league table.
8) Look at your lips *swoon*
9) A lot of this isnt really appropriate for your journal is it?
10) Keep wanking..I mean working. Yes working. What made me say that?!
You said in your quiz you had no heroes..this is a blatant lie. We know you love...

If you are ready to give up working..lemme know
A park?? Are you crazy? High dollaer land like that. You can't make no money off a park. Silly girl.

Actually I like the new tower but not for New York. The new Tower looks so space age and futuristic, where as New York is Gotham. The new tower would look good in Tokyo. Build something Rustic looking in NY. But hey who knows.
Elephant: Nah... wink

Punk: Oh my ! Now you must be torn between the Sex Pistols, on the one hand, and M.D.C. and Dead Kennedys, on the other hand ! shocked Shattering ! eeek

Aztec: Now that is a somewhat strange assignment, especially for a course (instead of a long-term research program, although what I consider most strange is the way it is stated.) Their religious/mystical (ethnomystical, if you prefer) beliefs and attitude would not necessarily imply a particular psychological profile or feature (Of course, if one were trying to infer, say, a specific feature of the American society, or even the society in a particular section of the USA, based on the death penalty or issues on abortion, the conclusions would not be deterministic at all, although one would study many layers and types and features that occur at different degrees in different people, groups, periods, and moments.) However, to come to conclusions or even inferences on that realm for another culture, one would need a superbly long anthropological study/background on it, unless one starts reasoning within our culture, what solely does not tell much about theirs. Just to point an example with which you may be quite familiar, using his "archaeological method", Foucault sketched tracing our notion of humane to a much closer time than many would guess - See the very end of Les Mots et Les Choses, translated as The Order of Things. The method itself, somewhat ironically similar to the eidetic variation of the phenomenology that he wanted to overcome in that book but - true - way beyond it, involves starting from the present to recover elements of the contemporaneity, i.e., the elements of the past still present. Anyhow, even using much more orthodox anthropological viewpoints, this assignment passes through typical issues on cultural shock and incompatibility. It reminds me of a text by a jesuit (16th or 17th Century - I forgot. My copy is literally in another side of the planet) sent to assess the effectiveness of the catechization, interviewing chiefs from various tribes (Hmmm... I forgot whether they were Aztec or Inca, but the idea still holds.) He asked them questions on God and other biblical matters, and their view on them was highly mixed with (sometimes dominated by) their "former" religion. This phenomenon is very typical when different views collide - I just mentioned this example because it is close to the case you are studying. Ok, ok, I will quit babbling and mumbling. blackeyed

You remind me of a firework, boy
You touch the ceiling, you touch the floor
You sparkle and burn but you take your time
And I bet I could carry you across state lines
You know all of my secret ideas
The ones I'm giving up on and the ones I'll keep
And everybody sees a funny look in our eyes
'Cause we know that...
Read More
Come visit with me
We'll play guitars

I would love that.

I'll be looking out for you later. Your turn for drinking.
My SG username may be French for "fuck," but my real name is Hebrew for "divine." Hehehe.

(And people wonder why I wanna learn the language).

...Back to homework.
I feel boring now ... my SG name is my old rave name. But my real name means "noble one." blush
I am the fifth in a line of successful BobDylan clones.
the heat came down and breathing got clear
(there was water in your hair
and the sun came out, we had to get back in)
the fog burned off and finally I felt near
(sunlight made reflections on your skin)
to the place I like to stay
but the year went on and it got too cold to swim
so I stayed beneath as the...
Read More
my body stopped moving and quickly got cold
I made my escape through exhaling lungs
and watched my body rot away
nobody noticed my misty escape
and I ended like floating like water in the air
through the blowy ocean side above the pounding of waves
that's where you showed up on the foggiest day
from high above you
I saw your earthling body wrapped...
Read More
Morning blush

Im gonna have to check out this band arent i? I've a feeling you wont talk to me in the future unless i do wink

Talking to you was great last night, you impress me.
love kiss

Edited for spelling even though Im sober now and really shouldnt be writing things wrong

[Edited on Feb 12, 2005 4:42AM]
Black cats are pretty common nowadays. wink
truthfully...I don't really think i am for feminism...but I am very much for women being everything and more than they can dream to be...and to be paid like it....but honestly like everything...it's muddled, any ism, it's like the black panthers with counter racism...sometimes its counter intuitive...this is a really un-fun comment...sorry...but yeah...irony...
women aren't just their genitalia?.....isn't that like the third rule of man....goddamn Man science....
mailed you a link. Let me know if it doesn't work.
My dawg is a girl cause Girls Rawk!

Nice poem do you know anyone in Iraq or Afgan?
Yeah a lot of innocent people have died and the only winners seem to be Bush getting re-elected and his business buddys. Its a shame you cant be vocal against the war without being accused of 'betraying' the troops out there. They are doing a great job but should they really be there? Its a messy messy affair..

hehe I knew a cat that drooled when he was happy. Guess he lost control of himself when he was all glad miao!! (drool). Was kinda cute until he dribbled all over you...stop it you furry fucker! shocked

Regarding the love ..you don't think you are cool enough? No way, I can assure you that you are very cool, you made it onto my friends list didnt you? tongue (SG really need a 'smug' face, I would love to use that from time to time)

The new friend I like..well she looks kind of French to me and she pulls cute faces in her photos..next time I'm on instant messenger, if you are online as well, I will reveal who it is..that's fair.
Perhaps is the light but, hey: Pale is wonderful !!
Rejected: Most likely over some technicality - Maybe it is somewhat uneven ? - It should have nothing to do with you, who looks really great in it.
Holy shit, someone take my credit card away--I've been very naughty.

I bought the Mount Eerie Live in Copenhagen 3LP set, and a Thurston Moore split 7". There's also a Mount Eerie reissue that just came out on P.W. Elverum and Sun. I should leave the experimental music group before I buy everything they recommend.
Yeah music costs money but it has to be done right? My flatmate downloads everything for nothing and I find that quite offensive. I spend too much on CDs but least I feel like Im supporting the artists (could go one about horrible record labels but that would ruin my point so..forget that).

I would take numb right now. I've always been one to be painfully honest and I just can't switch off my emotions, when things are good its great and when they are not I'm cursed. Im like an apple, I bruise too easily.

Have a *hug* back and thanks for adding me as a friend. Look forward to geeky music discussions with you.. tongue