1) Do I like bleu cheese: Come on, NO ! Not bleu cheese ! But I love CHEEEEEEEESE (oh yeah) with my soulmate @adeli
2) Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi.
3) Do I own a gun: Stupid idea haha.
4) What flavor Kool-Aid: WAS IST DAS?!
5) Hotdogs: It's not my favorite food. It's a little "yes".
6) Favorite TV show: Brooklyn Nine Nine.
7) Favorite movie: Orgueil et Préjugés (Pride & Prejudice)
8) Morning drink: Coffee.
9) Can I do a push-up: Yes ! And this is TRUE. I'm a good athlete...
10) Favorite jewelry: My engagement ring.
11) Favorite hobby: Playing (World of warcraft)
12) Do I have ADHD: I don't.
13) Do I wear glasses: No and please as late as possible.
14) Favorite cartoon character: Johnny Bravo !
15) Three things I did today: Japan Expo with @erloria , free hug with SKULL KID (I'm so happy to do this) and I bought a hentai.
16) Three things I regularly drink: Coffee, fruit juice and LAMBRUSCO.
17) Current dislike: Like @marlene people who constantly unhappy about everything!
18) Favorite place to go: My bed? hahaha....
19) How did I ring in the New Year: I never celebrate. Every year, I work.
20) Favorite place to travel: I don't know. Italy, it was so great but I want to go in Czech Republic
21) Nominate five people to pass this on: @adeli @aymel @helenarae @bizkit @aglaope
22) Favorite color: Blue !
23) Do I like satin sheets: I don't care, I just want to sleep. I love sleep. I sleep naked :p
24) Can I whistle: NO. I can't.
25) What am I doing right now: Watching TV with my frenchbulldog.
26) Would I like to be a pirate: Oh yes I'd like to be a pirate ! This is so exciting !
27) Favorite food: Cheese?
28) Last time I laughed: I laugh all the time. I'm happy !
29) Last time I received flowers: Can you repeat the question? I love flowers yes ... Flowers die very fast with me so it's not a good idea I think.
30) Most recent injury:
31) How many pets: One (my frenchbulldog)
32) Worst pain ever: When my hamster died.
33) Do I like to dance: I'M THE BEST ! HAHA (@toxic is the best <3)
34) Parents living : ?
35) Do i love my life: Absolutely !
36) Summer or winter: Winter !
37) Grandchildren: What?
38) Car or van: Car.
39) People person or not: 100%
40) Best day of my life: First date with my Boo ♥
Thanks @marlene (Je t'aime <3)
@missy @rambo