the terms 'good' and 'bad' are just relative. they change based on your perspective of any given situation. some days things are 'good' and yet that also makes them 'bad' for other reasons.
me too.
i live with poppy now, and shes the best roommate ever. her little pup likes to come visit me in my bed sometimes and i finally have the internet and cable back! hooray for mindless television!
ive been out of work for a couple of weeks, working out some shit in my life.
i guess i went into a cacoon, but i doubt i'll emerge a beautiful butterfly. i hate butterflies.
instead, i will emerge a stronger, sassier, more hardcore version of the previous me.
see? is this 'good'? or 'bad'? which way do i look at it? both, i guess.
i will be working part time from now until the 26th, when i start my brand spankin' new job doing sort of the same thing i do now, only much much much more in the direction i want my career to be headed. yes, i said 'career'. that word used to scare the shit out of me.
i get more money and a better job title, better benefits, better commute, better lots of stuff.
but it also means i dont get to play bingo on sundays at the church hall anymore. and that is sad, without the quotation marks.
ive missed being connected, as connected as one can get, on the internet with people. im still settling into my new place and unpacking boxes and storing away memories.
i guess that pretty much brings people up to speed with my life. as much as i'm willing to share with people that come here to see my tits.
me too.
i live with poppy now, and shes the best roommate ever. her little pup likes to come visit me in my bed sometimes and i finally have the internet and cable back! hooray for mindless television!
ive been out of work for a couple of weeks, working out some shit in my life.
i guess i went into a cacoon, but i doubt i'll emerge a beautiful butterfly. i hate butterflies.
instead, i will emerge a stronger, sassier, more hardcore version of the previous me.
see? is this 'good'? or 'bad'? which way do i look at it? both, i guess.
i will be working part time from now until the 26th, when i start my brand spankin' new job doing sort of the same thing i do now, only much much much more in the direction i want my career to be headed. yes, i said 'career'. that word used to scare the shit out of me.
i get more money and a better job title, better benefits, better commute, better lots of stuff.
but it also means i dont get to play bingo on sundays at the church hall anymore. and that is sad, without the quotation marks.
ive missed being connected, as connected as one can get, on the internet with people. im still settling into my new place and unpacking boxes and storing away memories.
i guess that pretty much brings people up to speed with my life. as much as i'm willing to share with people that come here to see my tits.
You misspelled "cocoon."
we dont only come here to look at ur tits.... i come here to run away from all the strippers and the alcohol they can't find me in here