please take a second to read this and help out my friends from th'legendary shack shakers....
please please please repost anywhere you think it would help to get the word out.
(mr. david lee)
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Around noon today our trailer was stolen in Nashville.. ALL of our gear was in it including my White Falcon and the weathered Orange 6120 Gretsch.
Mark lost a red Kind Doublebass Road Kingand a Fender precision electric bass.
Jd lost his 59 reissue Bassman and a hi powered tweed twin.
I lost my blonde Fender Supersonic head/ 4 12 cabinet , my 55 watt Germino LV Head , and an Ampeg super rocket 2x12. I had a Fulltone OCD pedal, ibanez tube screamer, boss blues driver and sever boss tuners. The cab and ampeg were in R&R (anvil style cases) spray painted " destroyers" . Ther germino was in an Anvil head case.
Mark's amps were Fender Pro 1200 head and two Fender 8x10 cabinets. His head and tuner were in a white Star Brand road case.
There was also a full double kick Pearl drum kit and tons of merch, cables ect ect.. Ill have all serial numbers later but 95% of this is one of a kind gear.. Please copy and paste this in any board you can to get the word out there...
Im in in shock .. please help us find this!!
thanks a million..
big luv
david lee (th'legendary shack shakers)
what the fuck is wrong with people...