I am so PISST off at this so called friend. He brings his cousin over. Now, after he has still been unwilling to send me my notebook I find the boundry stones of my property had been moved. FUCKIN' ASSHOLES.
I get so much of that same crap from nephews of mine I do not accept it at all from otrher people.
I've given up trying to get my FELON of a nephew to clean up the mess he has maqde here. FUCKUNG METH HEAD ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get so much of that same crap from nephews of mine I do not accept it at all from otrher people.
I've given up trying to get my FELON of a nephew to clean up the mess he has maqde here. FUCKUNG METH HEAD ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!