wow long time since i will have posted on here!
things are going pretty good for me. i have finals coming up in a few weeks for this semester should be exciting.
cant wait to have a nice break for christmas. i bought a new guitar! i posted it in my pictures its a electric acoustic. anywho later all!
hey! im great thank u smile
Also cant wait for christmas break!
what are u studying?
I don't have alot to say tonight but thank god it's almost the weekend haha
Midterms next week yay? no i didnt think so.
but here is some food for though
In the beginners mind there are many possibilities. but in the experts - there are few.
7 hours of homework finished, kill me now?

haha my programming fundamentals class is so hard and since i missed last class cuz i was not feeling well i just had to do 7 hours of homework / figure it out on my own. my head hurts so much right now >.<
shit home work no good..
i guess guys cant flirt with othe guys to do it for them!! thanks for leaving me some positive feedback on my set!! appreciate you taking the time out for me by the way!

ps: whats nori nediam

Its cool, im like a genius don't ya know! lol
3:29am i should be in bed ahaha

So i have been pretty busy off the comp for a few days. overall it was not too bad, seen some old friends and caught up on guitar practice!
I started learning the song 'As i Am' by Dream Theater
its pretty awesome and fun to play!
Overall im doing good im caught up in college now and...
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Hello today!
So i have been writing a essay for like 3-4 hours now its almost 4am im still not done and i have class at 8am haha shoot me now?
Incarnations and Xanth? Hell yeah. Piers Anthony is a god.
looks good smile
2:33am October 5

So this was my first time on this site, I've know about it for a long time now.
Not quite sure what i think yet haha.
But for now here is a few random facts about me.
I'm really tall (6'5)
I play video games of any kind. (I especailly love oldschool games on nes/snes)
I play guitar
I listen to ALL...
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