So the new year is here. I want to change for the better. Who doesn't? After trying to quit smoking, I am back to my two pack a day regiment. I am a bundle of nerves, and smoking keeps me on a even keel. As for my drinking, I am trying to be responsible about it. It is a boring life, but the track that I am on leads to death and dismemberment. I put money down on a nice camera. I hope this will change my lifestyle and make me happy at the same time. All in all life is good and I do not need to fuck this up. I am pro at fucking things up. Tell me about your new years resolutions.
Good for you! I really don't have New Years Resolutions, I just ride. Might be wrong but it feels so right.
Thanks for the friend request. Seeing your pics of the lowcountry make me homesick.