Be on the look out for this car!

I used to live in Sapulpa, Oklahoma and one day, as I was driving to WalMart, I was passed by this vehicle. In shock and awe, I started to follow it. Thankfully they were headed to the same destination so I immediately started stalking. I noted the owners of said vehicle, took several pictures and ventured inside to get a better look at said owners. Unfortunately, my stalking skills were a little rusty and I could only get a good picture of them from behind:

I used to live in Sapulpa, Oklahoma and one day, as I was driving to WalMart, I was passed by this vehicle. In shock and awe, I started to follow it. Thankfully they were headed to the same destination so I immediately started stalking. I noted the owners of said vehicle, took several pictures and ventured inside to get a better look at said owners. Unfortunately, my stalking skills were a little rusty and I could only get a good picture of them from behind:

That is a pretty amazing car 

Thanks! The move went well and I now have internet again! Woo hoo!