Eyam: twenty two. skinny as the third rail (just over a hundred pounds of Zap! Pow! Zing!). vegan(is that why you're so skinny?). an inveterate liar (learning, slowly and painfully, from my many, many, many, many mistakes). a slow learner. a patron of the arts (disposable income goes to comic books and records). a night person.
Eyam into: filling space with words, giving people pause, detritus, kurosawa and the coens, any music involving mike patton, comic books, thunderstorms, home cooked meals, public transportation, cartoons, loud music, red hair and pale skin, bong hits, ordering soda at bars, donuts, popsicles, grape juice, lime anything, toast, dreams that you would sleep away the whole day for, that pixies song 'broken face', good beats, being terrified, anything with zombies, walking.
I am looking for: a girl my size who would travel at the drop of a hat, reads profusely, is in no particular hurry, would sit for back to back screenings of John Carpenter's The Thing, loves to laugh, sing, talk, walk, smile, laugh, dance, cry, sweat, rejoices in being dirty, celebrates being clean, stays up all night, stops conversations for the sake of a song, and would like nothing more than o lay in bed on a rainy day reading comic books and ashing the joint in that empty grape juice bottle.
Eyam into: filling space with words, giving people pause, detritus, kurosawa and the coens, any music involving mike patton, comic books, thunderstorms, home cooked meals, public transportation, cartoons, loud music, red hair and pale skin, bong hits, ordering soda at bars, donuts, popsicles, grape juice, lime anything, toast, dreams that you would sleep away the whole day for, that pixies song 'broken face', good beats, being terrified, anything with zombies, walking.
I am looking for: a girl my size who would travel at the drop of a hat, reads profusely, is in no particular hurry, would sit for back to back screenings of John Carpenter's The Thing, loves to laugh, sing, talk, walk, smile, laugh, dance, cry, sweat, rejoices in being dirty, celebrates being clean, stays up all night, stops conversations for the sake of a song, and would like nothing more than o lay in bed on a rainy day reading comic books and ashing the joint in that empty grape juice bottle.
I think American's are more like holding up plastic water guns than capped pistols cause nost have to read directions to use a gun.