That very mourning I forgot to smile at the bus driver. The self same driver that keeps me smiling sunny daze when the rainclouds won't stick around. Have you scene commercials for that new sunblock that makes your skin look like different colors? You know, for parents of kids who think sunglasses and melonoma just isn't enough... So I forgot to smile and say g'mourning on my way down the steps. SO WHAT? Is this what I want to think about right now? Is this how I want to spend my afterlife, too? It's alright I didn't flirt with the girl today. It's alright I'll never duet again! She probably never even noticed before and won't miss it now it's gone! Even if jihad, there's still the matter of the girl eyes woke up besides, her taste in my mouth and my teeth marks on her thighs... though her reservation harbor has recently begun docking all sorts of personal attacks upon yours formerly among the living, despising the things that amount to the hill of me, endearments making transformation, more annoying upon reconsideration. Eight o'clock found her lying in the bed rather than join me in the shower our mixed message conversating builds a stunning babbel tower...but her prolonged affiliation and her comfort scented flesh...gussy up her tarnished image, wraps her in my favorit dress gosh the sorry sappy longing -- erection shizoid tongue tourettes all thes ehealthy signs are good to know that ghosts can get depressed...
feel better.