Suddenly the sidewalk and it all goes to a mess. Passerby rubbernecking, cop shouts windmill long arm laws, children squealing like they untied the gossamer ribbon to a pus filled christmas. All the while my redrum oozes out to meet and greet the crusty shit bird stains, the blackened boot braille gum smear tongue whores, the deformed post cigaret posteriors eking out their last breath lung death. Someone coughs and turns away. A disposable camera snaps self concious. I watch my last few thoughts spiral down the toilet brain drain, down the vertebrae and out into my spine grey slacks, filling them with this mourning's freedom toast and shock & awe bacon. I can see my fourty dollar haircut, stuck up in stikky swedges. My silk tie sports a new pattern, red brown rorshach of my father standing over me, framed in the light of the hallway. Three of my brand new caps and a two grand worth of bridge work litters the cement and the in the sunlight I can already see the yellowish tobacco stains. As if I cared a bit. As if it concerned me anymore.