Hurrah! It's the weekend... When you're not working the week tends to blur in to one long routine; not I'm back in the rat race it's nice not to have to leap out of bed when the alarm beeps (or fires, as it is a Space Invader alarm clock), hop in the shower, put on some coffee, iron a shirt and gobble down some toast... Read More
hello all. Big hugs for everyone - this is week one of new job so I'm currently run ragged. Kong days but really enjoying it. Will type more later (tapping this out on mobile!) p.s. Wish me luck getting Tron tickets tonight...
So getting back in to the swing of things; many many thanks to all the lovely people who have said nice things and hello, much love to all moderators who have let me back in to groups ASAP and big hugs to everyone who has refriended me.