ah... the weekend before pay day; always the time to do everything you should do normally but don't because you've got the money to entertain yourself otherwise. Kitchen cleaned, clothes washed - right down to the bottom of the laundry basket, not just the top layer. Something of a late summer here too; the mornings and evenings have been a bit nippy but the days have been great; plus everyone seems to be having bonfires so there is that lovely smokey smell in the air.
With regards to your comment on gigs, you're right, but then I think the least a band should play is 90 mins in order to feel like I've got my money's worth. I want to hear them play things that they'll never release but have practised well for - I want to feel like they've performed something especially for that particular tour etc. It's not asking too much I don't think. Having said that the amount of gigs I've seen over the years to only have 2 to whinge about isn't too bad at all really - I should count myself lucky!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend and your chores honey!