Working my way through Kevin Smith's My Boring-Ass Life at the mo'. I love silent bob and all his films; I saw Clerks twice in the cinema when it first came out, and while everybody else was ripping off Quentin T and Resevoir Dogs on the film and TV course, I ripped off Clerks and Kevin instead. As the years have gone by I'll admit by love has ebbed and flowed a bit - the missus really doesn't like the films, so finding the time to watch them is a nightmate, and even though I've been *this* close (relatively) speaking to New Jersey on numerous occasions over the past five years I've never done a proper pilgrimage (that said, the house from Spaced is literally up the road and I've gone for a look at that yet either), but right now as the autumn leaves fall, I'm digging Kev.
Miss you you big pervy man you!