Blimey. This week: a lost passport, (and no holiday, subsequenlty), an unexpected marriage announcement, a long overdue pregnancy,AND a new old girlfriend. Oh, and a couple of 30th birthdays. Only one of these applied to me, not being 30, pregnant, engaged (anymore), and my passport is safe. But it gives us something to talk about down the pub...
Fill me in. Danny boy, who's up the duff and who's getting hitched????
Wow, gossip central smile

You're right, people in this country are all worried about looking cool, or what the NME tells them to buy.

Sad, isn't it?

Cherry xx
Driving round the countryside in my little red(neck) truck to the sound of Dead Kennedys and Zodiac Windwarp.

I couldn't hit a cow's arse with a banjo.