Nothing really has changed, I am on my last 2 days of swing hours. Wednesday I have to be at work at 9 in the morning. I think I work until like 6 or something. I don't know and can't remember. All I know is I am tired and my sleep is messed up. I really don't like 100% the place I work even though I like the people who work there. I am listening to Amy Winehouse right now for some reason. Maybe because she is great.
I hope everyone had a good weekend.
I hope everyone had a good weekend.
ps- last night i hung out with sam. i think i was making it up... we chatted. he's so awesome. i think i'll write a new blog about it, haha
You should do that, sexy mexy fridays are the best!!! - not to mention the name is just fantastic
Don't work too much, I have to because well there is no other choice right now lol once I get a boss is all up to him.