I wish I was'nt such a wuss .But its comforting to know that other people have some of the same problems thatI have . I do't have enough guts to open myself up to close friends let alone some strangers on the net . But I admire this person for doing just this . I recently had the oppurtunity to meet this person and had a great time talking with her , but held back alot cause I am tired of having realationships/frindships with people that I put way too much into and don't get alot out of . I wish that I had a wy of contacting this person ........Fuck there I go again with trying to be the fucking savior .. Maybe it really me that needs the saving

i have the same problems in relationships. i wish i could just find the one girl who just makes me happy, and doesnt come with emotional baggage. yeah. wish. i guess thats why i barely try anymore. when i try i just pick the wrong things. and then comes the pain.