Well, this is a very drunken post, added after a night out, wasted stuupid... Its 2004 and I've achived nothing, yes , lie anyone see's my bollocky posting, uh, yeah had a good night at the pub, too drunk....
More Blogs
Wednesday May 07, 2003
Fab day doing not a lot other than a bot of cleaning, and some hardco… -
Tuesday May 06, 2003
Today was duuuulllllllll. Yawn. Need excitement, rollerskating pandas… -
Monday May 05, 2003
Today I have felt really narky, for some reason, I think I'm having a… -
Sunday May 04, 2003
Oh yes, the place to myself, guinness in the fridge and a day off tom… -
Saturday May 03, 2003
Teayam tea oopdeat the oul jernaal, so it is, hi! (thats how nearther… -
Friday May 02, 2003
20 past 10, and back on the site - I blame friday ntght telly, its no… -
Thursday May 01, 2003
Time for an update errrrrrrrrr, nope not a lot happened. Sold a BC ri… -
Tuesday Apr 29, 2003
Dyed my hair this week brown, with blonde bits from black. Its a bit … -
Friday Apr 25, 2003
had quite a nice day, work was ok, just wish I didn't feel so sociall… -
Monday Apr 21, 2003
Another entry, best be a quick one, times gettin on and I'm working t…