Well, this is a very drunken post, added after a night out, wasted stuupid... Its 2004 and I've achived nothing, yes , lie anyone see's my bollocky posting, uh, yeah had a good night at the pub, too drunk....
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Tuesday May 20, 2003
yak yak yak. Just watched a well funny scottish sketch show thing mus… -
Monday May 19, 2003
Well, then so it became all of a sudden … -
Sunday May 18, 2003
Good old lazy sunday, got up early, did some housework, then some sho… -
Saturday May 17, 2003
Just watched donnie darko. Darkened the room and stuck the black ligh… -
Friday May 16, 2003
Blah blah, hard days training, blah blah drunk on guinness etc. Watch… -
Thursday May 15, 2003
Went to de pub tonight, that was ok until a nob band started so I lef… -
Tuesday May 13, 2003
That was a long bloody day. My training has started in Warrington and… -
Sunday May 11, 2003
Yawn, lazy sundays, should do something productive, cant be arsed etc… -
Friday May 09, 2003
woooooooooaaaaaaaaarggggghhhh! That was a great gig. Still wet from h… -
Thursday May 08, 2003
Run off the mill day, dont care though, at least I dont come home fro…