been off the site for a bit, too much going on. Got me new pc with broadband, yay No more waiting for weeks while the computer crunches and smoke comes out the monitor! Been trying to download some old arcade games, I really want chase hq but I'm having trouble finding it, its hard to find a site which lets you download roms easily.
Other than that, work sucks because its the quiet time of year and its very boring, and no one appreciates my death metal riffs, they have no taste. Actually a guy with a ginger afro asked me if I want to jam sometime, that was weird, but its a good sign, I really should join or start a band or something, I dont want to be the eternal living room guitarist, my gf and the cats are a rubbish audience, and none of em can drum!
Other than that, work sucks because its the quiet time of year and its very boring, and no one appreciates my death metal riffs, they have no taste. Actually a guy with a ginger afro asked me if I want to jam sometime, that was weird, but its a good sign, I really should join or start a band or something, I dont want to be the eternal living room guitarist, my gf and the cats are a rubbish audience, and none of em can drum!
you should get a band going, it would be fun.
you could probably teach the cats to sit at the drums and hit the snare or the symbols with their tails, and yr gf can just hit something i'm sure. granted they might all suck, but it would be entertaining!
and yes i ment old misfits! dont get anything twisted.
good luck gettin the band started though!