Thanks smile I had an awesome weekend, blog to follow soon smile

Hopefully piggy will cheer up soon smile
Hello SG-land smile

Once again I have neglected this blog for far too long tongue


In the last post I mentioned that I was due to be getting my results within the following few days, whereas in actuality I didn't get them until the 14th - I was very surprised by what I got - I was expecting 2 lots of 2:1s and a 3rd (this...
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Congratulations those are excellent results smile

Yeah it is worth a punt, even you don't get it finished, he might do it again next year smile

I'm fine and dandy thanks, had a very nice few days off smile
Good afternoon SG biggrin

Sorry for the distinct lack of updates, but being at home is terribly distracting at times, as such when I have had time to go on SG, it's been to look at the beautiful ladies within love
Speaking of which, you should all check out AnnaLee's new set Natural History in Member Review now - it's going to go front page, no...
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Thank you and all the best for your exam results today smile

It's a fantastic set by annalee and made even better by being shot at Loch Ness smile
It's so nice to have sunshine, especially in Scotland smile

I forgot to comment in your last blog, I'm a huge Terry Pratchett fan and cannot wait until going postal comes on the TV biggrin
thanks very much smile

yep, together for a year this month, but we've known each other for 8 years. there's a lot to be said for history, you know?

hope you're having a good weekend and the weather's good where you are smile
Its over! Its finally over! ..the second year of uni, that is. smile I had my final exam yesterday morning, it was awful and Im pretty sure I cocked it up, but thats okay because Im free! biggrin (and because your worst 40 credits arent counted anyway tongue)

I celebrated by eating blueberry cookies while watching last weeks Doctor Who smile I topped it off today with a...
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Today has been a pretty okay day: weird dreams, retail therapy, and a donut smile

Life stuff aside, there is political shit going down here in Merry Olde England. As I'm sure you know, we've had an election here in the UK, and as there was no majority in the House of Commons, a coalition Government has been formed between the Conservatives (ugh) and the Liberal...
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Newts are super cute smile One of my favourite animals smile
yeah, good on the greens - they've always seemed to be a party nobody takes seriously, so it's good to see them finally get some seats.

Oh I am in a world of knackered right now... and I don't even think that that makes sense...

I had my first exam today, it was the first exam of my degree that actually counts for something. So, naturally I've been a bubbling ball of abject terror for the last few days, to the extent that I barely slept last night. Still it was...
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