The whole week has been unusual. But in a good way, on the whole 
I've finished teaching for the next few weeks (only 2 days of teaching left between now and April. Boo!
) - and I had a lovely penultimate class with my third years - they were engaged, passionate, and had clearly got on top of the reading. I did a one-to-one with one of my students who's been struggling and at the end she said it made a lot more sense to her afterwards and she thanked me for taking time out to talk to her about it :3 *glowing with teacher pride!*
I also found out a few things about my dissertation I don't think I'm supposed to know that has made me a happy and proud panda :3
Plus I've sent off my first PhD application (Love Me, Manchester!), just 2 more to go now - eek!
Other awesome stuff: My best friend - who I haven't seen since November - is coming over for a week next month (eeeee!
), I've got many misadventures planned for the next week, and - shock horror - I've started seeing someone
It's very early days, so for now I'll say no more on the matter, but if nothing else, it's nice to feel as thought I'm finally properly moving on 
To close, here's a random photo of me and Laura

Hope your week's got off to a good start!

I've finished teaching for the next few weeks (only 2 days of teaching left between now and April. Boo!

I also found out a few things about my dissertation I don't think I'm supposed to know that has made me a happy and proud panda :3
Plus I've sent off my first PhD application (Love Me, Manchester!), just 2 more to go now - eek!
Other awesome stuff: My best friend - who I haven't seen since November - is coming over for a week next month (eeeee!

To close, here's a random photo of me and Laura

Hope your week's got off to a good start!

You must message me with the soap opera that is your love life! bwhahaha <3 you!