Well things are plodding along - I'm still gutted about P but life goes on. And it has been a very mixed week...
On Tuesday, the break up hit me like a ton of bricks and the first few tears were shed (including at my bar job. Awkward.) and although I started feeling better on the Wednesday, things took a turn for the worst when drama flared with 2 so-called "friends". But although I'm gutted about losing one of them, the other one was so recognisably poisonous that I'm far more heartbroken about the potential loss of mine and P's 5-month-long friendship than I am about her 7-year-long excuse for one. Although I recognise that if these people deserved to be in my life that they wouldn't act like this, it's still a bit depressing (and I guess there's nowt like timing... )
But it's not all been bad, not by a long stretch. Thursday saw me venture to Hull for my best friend's 21st birthday shenanigans (yep, my 4 best friends are aged 21, 22, 23, and 24 o.O). Thursday night was amazing: Robyn had an 80s bash complete with big hair, old-as-balls band shirts and tunes older than most of us (indeed I was the only person at the party actually born in the 80s. I felt ancient. ). And of course, the night involved a LOT of booze -indeed we had to come home at 00:15 because Robyn & Emily were more than a little worse for wear - enjoy some pictures under the spoiler if you like :3
Friday was Robyn's actual birthday and was a much more chilled out affair: we spent the day hanging out, gossiping, looking at the photos from the night before in a horrified fascination, and eating endless rounds of toast. We then went to a posh restaurant for dinner in the evening with Robyn's boyfriend, her brother Bush (who's my other best friend),his girlfriend Tanya, and her housemates.
And today was a chilled out one too; I went and watched the last bit of a hockey match with Bush & Tanya, traveled home with them and then spent the evening with them, my other best mate Vicki, and Bush's oldest friend Dave watching a terrible terrible film... that said, I think that Ninja Squad might just be my most favourite movie ever, now
Meanwhile, P's still texting me every now and then (most recent was Friday night) and I'm at a loss whether or not I want to be friends with him just yet. But I guess things will come clear in time, for now I'm just working on keeping a respectful distance without accidentally burning any bridges. Bah, breakups suck :/
Hope everything is good with you guys
The Hull night out sounds like it was awesome! I keep getting told that Hull's actually a really good night, but I've still not sampled the delights...
How have you been? x