Well things seem to be on the up&up of late, so I'm currently one smiley panda
Things with P are going really well, my uni have set up my staff account bringing home the fact that in just over 3 months I'll be teaching ethics to medical students(!), I've got a weekend off coming up for which I think P and I are going camping, I've got a family 'do coming up this weekend, I've lost 5lbs since last week, and I've just bought my ticket for Bloodstock Open Air!
So I'm happy right now. Very very happy.
Under the spoiler, there's a bit on how the P thing is going in a little more detail, otherwise feel free to skip to the end...
Well things seem to be on the up&up of late, so I'm currently one smiley panda

Things with P are going really well, my uni have set up my staff account bringing home the fact that in just over 3 months I'll be teaching ethics to medical students(!), I've got a weekend off coming up for which I think P and I are going camping, I've got a family 'do coming up this weekend, I've lost 5lbs since last week, and I've just bought my ticket for Bloodstock Open Air!

So I'm happy right now. Very very happy.

Under the spoiler, there's a bit on how the P thing is going in a little more detail, otherwise feel free to skip to the end...
...And encounter my closing pic (as per the tradition)
Here's me being extremely mature in Camden last month...
(Actually, that's the outfit I wore on mine and P's date, just in case you were curious )
Hope you're all well and having an awesome July
Here is a sneak peek of my trip at the weekend
I've never been to lake Windermere, so please put loads of photos up.
That's a fantastic opportunity to fall into, it may feel out of your depth but in no time at all you'll pick it up
I've bumped into Dylan Moran many times in Edinburgh, the first time was at a bus stop. I stood next to him for about 10 mins, just me and him