Hello gorgeous boys & girls!
As ever things are confusing as hell with P, but I saw him for a pint today and I got no vibes from him beyond platonic-ness (that's a word, dammit
) on this occasion. Which, on the one hand is a little disappointing, but on the other hand is kind of nice as it means that tomorrow's date with J should involve me being a little less confused (he's coming over to watch Mighty Boosh & Pixar DVDs :3... and no that is not a euphemism!
). That said, P did drive me all the way home - keeping in mind I live 40 miles away from where we were having drinks... though he mentioned more than once that if it wasn't for the fact he doesn't consider it as "too far away", he wouldn't have offered. I'm not gonna read too much into that as he's a naturally generous bloke anyway, but bloody hell. My best mate Bush complains if he has to drive me home from Meadowhall (about 8 miles) when we go home from the cinema at night - if the thing with P is just platonic (as I suspect), then Bush is never allowed to complain again after that! ;p
Otherwise, in between banging my head against a brick wall about the P thing, much of this week has been spent shouting at text books - deadlines are a-loomin! And I can't believe I only have one lecture left. Scary times!
Though I did find time to go to Corp - the super grim rock club in Sheffield - on Monday for the first time in almost 2 months. My friend Emma took me to take my mind off P... not realising that the club room actually doubles up as the venue where I met P
But that was only really an issue for the first hour. The thing with me is on big nights out I go through a system: I get tipsy very quickly, then whatever mood I'm in becomes enhanced (so my mopey was magnified), and then after I've tipped the balance into officially drunk, then I'm just really bloody happy and excited
So, as I say, for the first hour of Corp I was a little mopey over the fact I had no idea what was going on with P, after I'd had my second drink (I'm gonna point out we'd had pre-drinks; I'm not that much of a lightweight!
) I was a veritable ball of hyper
I got to meet loads of people (Emma seems to know everyone!), danced my butt off to ace early-noughties tunes, kissed a cute history student
(I very much doubt I'll see him again (he's too young for a start - 20! Eep!) but it was a nice little ego boost :3). It was a really awesome night - I can't wait until I head down there again next month for my friend's burlesque-themed birthday party 
Tuesday was spent studying muchly, trying to get a particularly nasty essay done... having forgotten that it was due on the Wednesday - eek! I got it finished at 3am, and then got up at 6am to triple check it before I submitted it. Oh dear >.< Ah well, at least it's over with
Wednesday I went to uni and impressed myself by not falling asleep despite 1. having had only 2 hours' sleep, and 2. having the 2 most boring lecturers I've ever encountered teach me. After that, I met Emma for dinner and a catch-up and then Bush, Viki and Dave for cinematic times. We went and saw Snow White and the Huntsman which I actually found to be quite decent
And then we're up to today wherein I had my hair trimmed (exciting times ;p), commandeered the lecture room in my department as a private study room, and then met P for that uber-Platonic pint. Since then, I've called my best mate from uni, Sadie, to whinge about boys (she too like-likes a friend she can't have. We reached the consensus that it is a sucky experience.) and to get excited about getting drunk when I go on adventures down south to visit her next month :3 - more on those, and Download, plans in another post
(the Download one will be soonish as it is fast approaching - this time next week I will be drunk in a field with two lads called Dave
(Viki's getting there on Friday) - simultaneously scared and excited!
As I seem to like closing posts with photos, here's one from when I walked to the shop on Tuesday morning via the very long route in order to try and get some fresh air and shake me out of my hangover... yeah I didn't realise it was still so humid that breathing the air was like breathing soup... so walking though 2 miles of woods and farmland might not have been the best idea after all! ;p But anyway, just to show you how far in the wrong direction I'd gone in order to get to the shop (which is just 2 streets from my house), here's a photo I took on my phone en-route

Hope you've all had an awesome week, lovelies!
As ever things are confusing as hell with P, but I saw him for a pint today and I got no vibes from him beyond platonic-ness (that's a word, dammit

Otherwise, in between banging my head against a brick wall about the P thing, much of this week has been spent shouting at text books - deadlines are a-loomin! And I can't believe I only have one lecture left. Scary times!
Though I did find time to go to Corp - the super grim rock club in Sheffield - on Monday for the first time in almost 2 months. My friend Emma took me to take my mind off P... not realising that the club room actually doubles up as the venue where I met P

Tuesday was spent studying muchly, trying to get a particularly nasty essay done... having forgotten that it was due on the Wednesday - eek! I got it finished at 3am, and then got up at 6am to triple check it before I submitted it. Oh dear >.< Ah well, at least it's over with

Wednesday I went to uni and impressed myself by not falling asleep despite 1. having had only 2 hours' sleep, and 2. having the 2 most boring lecturers I've ever encountered teach me. After that, I met Emma for dinner and a catch-up and then Bush, Viki and Dave for cinematic times. We went and saw Snow White and the Huntsman which I actually found to be quite decent

And then we're up to today wherein I had my hair trimmed (exciting times ;p), commandeered the lecture room in my department as a private study room, and then met P for that uber-Platonic pint. Since then, I've called my best mate from uni, Sadie, to whinge about boys (she too like-likes a friend she can't have. We reached the consensus that it is a sucky experience.) and to get excited about getting drunk when I go on adventures down south to visit her next month :3 - more on those, and Download, plans in another post

As I seem to like closing posts with photos, here's one from when I walked to the shop on Tuesday morning via the very long route in order to try and get some fresh air and shake me out of my hangover... yeah I didn't realise it was still so humid that breathing the air was like breathing soup... so walking though 2 miles of woods and farmland might not have been the best idea after all! ;p But anyway, just to show you how far in the wrong direction I'd gone in order to get to the shop (which is just 2 streets from my house), here's a photo I took on my phone en-route

Hope you've all had an awesome week, lovelies!

I hope you're doing good and things with P are better