Today has been a pretty okay day: weird dreams, retail therapy, and a donut 
Life stuff aside, there is political shit going down here in Merry Olde England. As I'm sure you know, we've had an election here in the UK, and as there was no majority in the House of Commons, a coalition Government has been formed between the Conservatives (ugh) and the Liberal Democrats. It was sort of a given that this would happen, so although it's annoying, it's not exactly shocking. No, the thing that's got me today is this: Cameron (the fucker) has gone and appointed Theresa May as Minister for Equality. May is a fucking homophobe; time and time again she has voted against gay rights legislation in the houses of parliament, even against the repeal of Section 28 - a vile draconian law that makes it illegal to 'promote' homosexuality in schools (and by 'promote' they mean, tell children that it's ok to be gay, that there's nothing wrong with it, and that it's nothing to be ashamed of). So, in sum, the Conservatives have chosen a minister for equality that doesn't believe in equal rights. Awesome. (See here for the Pink Press' take on the story)
Enraged as I am, there is one thing that made me calm down earlier

This man is a walking disaster area.
He is also one of the most awesome people in the world, so it balances out :p

Life stuff aside, there is political shit going down here in Merry Olde England. As I'm sure you know, we've had an election here in the UK, and as there was no majority in the House of Commons, a coalition Government has been formed between the Conservatives (ugh) and the Liberal Democrats. It was sort of a given that this would happen, so although it's annoying, it's not exactly shocking. No, the thing that's got me today is this: Cameron (the fucker) has gone and appointed Theresa May as Minister for Equality. May is a fucking homophobe; time and time again she has voted against gay rights legislation in the houses of parliament, even against the repeal of Section 28 - a vile draconian law that makes it illegal to 'promote' homosexuality in schools (and by 'promote' they mean, tell children that it's ok to be gay, that there's nothing wrong with it, and that it's nothing to be ashamed of). So, in sum, the Conservatives have chosen a minister for equality that doesn't believe in equal rights. Awesome. (See here for the Pink Press' take on the story)
Enraged as I am, there is one thing that made me calm down earlier

This man is a walking disaster area.
He is also one of the most awesome people in the world, so it balances out :p
Newts are super cute
One of my favourite animals 

yeah, good on the greens - they've always seemed to be a party nobody takes seriously, so it's good to see them finally get some seats.