Hey lovelies
I'm settling in bit by bit to the website, but I'm still learning - as such I've only just realised that you're not supposed to reply to people on your own page, so I wanted to say a quick thank you to you guys for making me feel so welcome
On the life front, I've moved back to London for the last three weeks of my second year and I have established myself as the master of procrastination - but I still have nothing on my best friend Mykel, who has 6 days left to write his 10,000-word dissertation (eek!).
But I still have a week and a half before the exams kick off, so in the mean time, my other best friend Sadie (aka 'tits') and I are endeavouring to drink, shop, play, and bake the term away
Anyway, enough about me, how are you?
I'm settling in bit by bit to the website, but I'm still learning - as such I've only just realised that you're not supposed to reply to people on your own page, so I wanted to say a quick thank you to you guys for making me feel so welcome
On the life front, I've moved back to London for the last three weeks of my second year and I have established myself as the master of procrastination - but I still have nothing on my best friend Mykel, who has 6 days left to write his 10,000-word dissertation (eek!).
But I still have a week and a half before the exams kick off, so in the mean time, my other best friend Sadie (aka 'tits') and I are endeavouring to drink, shop, play, and bake the term away
Anyway, enough about me, how are you?
So thanks for making me feel better.
Thanks again.