Came back home to find a guy kipping on our floor, he's a good guy tho' and if it slices up the rent a wee bit more then hey!!!!
Helping to put the studios into order for the beginning of classes and working on a syllabus, or procastinating instead!
Planning to get a computer tomorrow, so as to not piss off my flatmate too much by hogging his!
Sorting out my own space and sketching out some naughty etchings!!!
Dollar yuenglings last night!!!! Magic soup!
Now a wee bit drouthie!
Applied for a solo exhibition....fingers crossed! Needing to put together images onto CD and stuff too!
Stocking up on supplies and breaking the bank!
Oh, and Nooooo theory this coming semester!!!! Yippeeeeee!!!!
Helping to put the studios into order for the beginning of classes and working on a syllabus, or procastinating instead!
Planning to get a computer tomorrow, so as to not piss off my flatmate too much by hogging his!
Sorting out my own space and sketching out some naughty etchings!!!
Dollar yuenglings last night!!!! Magic soup!
Now a wee bit drouthie!
Applied for a solo exhibition....fingers crossed! Needing to put together images onto CD and stuff too!
Stocking up on supplies and breaking the bank!
Oh, and Nooooo theory this coming semester!!!! Yippeeeeee!!!!

I LOVED Scotland! Glasgow is an interesting place with interesting people. Edinburgh is more English-leaning, but is very beautiful.
How do you like Perth?