Been working on some figures in the studio...burned my hand up pretty badly when some hot wax landed on it. Hurts like fuck! Would have been much worse if I hadn't stuck my hand in the freezer for an hour. Going to the health center on Monday to get it checked out, no doubt they're too busy dealing with alcohol poisoned students at the weekend!
My new burn!
Here are a couple of pics of the stuff I've been working on lately.

My new burn!

Here are a couple of pics of the stuff I've been working on lately.

I miss the girl a lot. 32 days isn't a long time, though.
My initial plan is just to chill out for a couple of months, do lots of art, scout around for a job- i've worked my ass off the last however many years so i figure i'm entitled to sort of a break. Plus i've got to come back here in january and close everything down, finalise things here, so- yeah. . . it';s all happening. And as much as teaching would be ideal, i'd happily stack shelves in a bloody supermarkjet if it meant being with the girl- that's what women'll do to ya, you know, "phenomenal muscle control" or not. (you lucky git)
That and make you take your art to all kinds of extremes- it's all good though, and i swear every advance i've made in my work has been down to one woman or another- they get in their and tweak your emotions, your drives and leave you all. . . primal, and for some reason you end up doing more cathartic, extreme stuff with what you produce.