Teaching more, working more.

Comes at a struggle, and with a price.

I know this is a little random, but... John Travolta saw you naked?
Ha!!! Yup, he sure did! I have the John Travolta seal of approval!

I was in a changing room at a health club, where my Dad and Stepmum taught classes, when he walked into the changing room. He was interested in getting a membership for the golf club there. My dad didn't even notice him! I was just standing there, with my junk hanging out, staring. Before he left the room, he turned to me and gave a nod, then left.

It was an awkward moment, but I wasn't stalking him or anythingI didn't randomly turn up on his doorstep in my birthday suit! smile
It's been ages since my last update, sorry folks!!!!

End of semester reviews coming up...aaaaarrrrrrggggggghhhh! I feel like I have very little work, all of it seems to be work that I have only refined in some way. Take my paintings for example, I think they are finished...but I thought that ages ago! I feel like nothing is ever finished! surreal

I do like where my...
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beautiful works you have there smile
happy new year to you, when you get this. i have sort of. . . zoned out of late, and been on twice since i came over to sweden.

how's life?
Been working on some figures in the studio...burned my hand up pretty badly when some hot wax landed on it. Hurts like fuck! Would have been much worse if I hadn't stuck my hand in the freezer for an hour. Going to the health center on Monday to get it checked out, no doubt they're too busy dealing with alcohol poisoned students at the weekend!...
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you hand looks very painful!!! but your art looks rocking!
I've never heard anything but good things about Eddie Summerton- as i'm sure i've said before, all my friends were in D&P so i spent a lot of time in the department- actually laterally, i was dividing time between there and the flat, anything to avoid being in the actual illustration department, besides the odd trip down to printmaking (Bob Fraser- uy) to keep up appearances. . .

I miss the girl a lot. 32 days isn't a long time, though.

My initial plan is just to chill out for a couple of months, do lots of art, scout around for a job- i've worked my ass off the last however many years so i figure i'm entitled to sort of a break. Plus i've got to come back here in january and close everything down, finalise things here, so- yeah. . . it';s all happening. And as much as teaching would be ideal, i'd happily stack shelves in a bloody supermarkjet if it meant being with the girl- that's what women'll do to ya, you know, "phenomenal muscle control" or not. (you lucky git)

That and make you take your art to all kinds of extremes- it's all good though, and i swear every advance i've made in my work has been down to one woman or another- they get in their and tweak your emotions, your drives and leave you all. . . primal, and for some reason you end up doing more cathartic, extreme stuff with what you produce.

Pretty busy!

New grad students have arrived into the program and they all seem pretty cool. The faculty seem to have made a good choice. Some are a little late in setting their studios up but hey, it can take a while to get adjusted!

Been busy reworking my syllabus for the class that I'm teaching. THE POWER! I could make it all up! Wouldn't...
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i think it is really funny that you are on here too! we rock.
yeah, i used to love the kind of critique where they tell you to basically do something completely different to what you've been doing quite happily for x-number of months.

i always dismissed it though, because i'm a stubborn bastard, but also because i was a painter trapped in the illustration department and trying to get away with as much flagrant non-guideline-following as was humanly possible.

but as i get older i'm experimenting a lot more, not just sticking to what's safe, artistically.

even if it means, like now, everything i paint is monochrome turquoise surreal

sounds like you're doing alright though smile

[Edited on Oct 14, 2005 3:49PM]
Came back home to find a guy kipping on our floor, he's a good guy tho' and if it slices up the rent a wee bit more then hey!!!!

Helping to put the studios into order for the beginning of classes and working on a syllabus, or procastinating instead!

Planning to get a computer tomorrow, so as to not piss off my flatmate too much...
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Ya, my birthday was good.
I LOVED Scotland! Glasgow is an interesting place with interesting people. Edinburgh is more English-leaning, but is very beautiful.
How do you like Perth?

After a looong journey and very little sleep I'm finding myself in front of the computer again, stateside.

Realising how much I missed it here and need to be here for sanity's sake; my mum would drive me mental!

Arrived back late last night...and guess what? I went out for a few beverages after my journey! I think it's my crazy Scottish genes! Also, the...
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Thank you, it just went up a couple of weeks ago, I love the scenery here! smile
yeah i agree i have only scratched the serface, and the only reason i calculated the profit is because i wanted to do alittle math to see the minimum i would have to sell it for to make my money back, but after you saying that and my uncle i maybe should have never considered it, but this is my frst major project in many senses, i see it becomeing easyer as i move on

you said

"It seems to me that you've just not spent enough time on them. I actually don't mind the quality of the hands, it's the way the mannequins are painted overall that bothers me...I mean I think you need to consider a uniform colour on the figure/a basecoat and then add paint that gives depth and form to it. That's it, there's not enough depth and form."

i feel like you got somthing there i just dont understand, if you could elaborate more that would be awesome thanks alot for your help
Damn my connection here is sloooowwwww!

My mum has superslow dialup and I had to take a defibrilator to the poor wee hamster that is running around in his wheel trying to power this old computer!

Still in Scotland and having fun! Was at a stag do in Edinburgh, we forced him to dress like a girl, he liked that a bit too much!!! Before...
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Hey are you in perth right now? I'm jealous. I know this guy in perth who makes sporrans his name is marcus eagleton. I met him at a festival I worked at a few years ago in dc. Anyway he's cool. and hey if you need a sporran he;ll make you an awesome one/ Cause everyone needs a sporran
Smithsonian Folklife Festival in dc . I worked it for a few years. The year they featured scotland was one of my two favorite years

[Edited on Aug 02, 2005 12:07PM]

Did a touch of reading and went round my favourite gallery today...got me thinking, which is always a dangerous thing!

'Visual music'...experimental video and music from the twenties onwards. I was far more interested in the process of creating and transcribing the original images onto film before computer technology. These certainly appeared hand crafted and each frame was so beautifully considered. I was entranced by...
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henry moore's stuff is awesome.

i went to a hopper retrospective at tate modern in london last summer, it it was just fucking invigorating- i came out of there wanting to get back up here and paint. i think that's the thing about going to galleries when you haven't been in a while, you realise you've forgotten just how much of a kick you get out of art in all its forms. . .

As for the production of art, i find the hardest thing of all is to stick to doing stuff you're passionate about without being influenced by the ever present subconsciuous desire to be praised for your work (everyone has it) - i know so many people from my year who basically. . . don't even produce work anymore, and it's sad. of course then there are otehrs who just went down to london and got gobbled up and haven't been heard from since.

i think what it takes to get there (there being, making it, getting recognition) is just enough ego and balls to say 'my art is good and i know it's good'
Somehow that last comment became a preminition, oops! eeek

I hope my friends in London are allright! I'll be in the den, a few days only!

It seems so stupid to me that those terrorists would attack 'soft' civilian targets...I mean, if anything, they are only going to stengthen the resolve of the West in sending more soldiers to their countries. I guess I would understand...
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Stoney broke and painting things for rich people, to get enough money for food and rent! Trying to negotiate to get back in the country, for more of the same, for the next couple of years!

Also, getting fucked around by the American embassy, who don't seem to want to honour my visa appointment. They are as much use as a chocolate microwave (what a...
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And what will this chocolate microwave do?

A microwave that you can eat?

Getting sick of Scotland, eh? I wouldn't know, but I can tell you that I am getting pretty tired of California...maybe I will come visit you in Scotland... smile
aye, there's a subway not in dundee, but just down the road in st andrews, where i go a lot after getting hooked on subway down in manchester. yeah, they always get these things south of the border first. i think there were about five of them in manchester alone, and there are like. . . five in the whole of scotland. grrr.
Thanks folks....happens to everybody sometimes.

Wierd, I just didn't have the energy to do anything, still lacking a wee bit!

I guess the prospect of going home for a little bit has unearthed a couple of skeletons I have to think about again. Not only that, summer has made most of my friends jettison themselves elsewhere. Beuraucracy rears it's head again too!

Hey, at least...
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