I had a nice long talk to my friend Melissa from Johannesburg, South Africa tonight. Looks like Im flying out to see her in New Orleans the last weekend of June. Or in Fort Worth the over the 4th of July. She will be moved there from Atlanta by then. If I go see her in Fort Worth though, it creates a situation. My mom just built a house there. I only have 3 days to spend with someone. Thats not long enough to split with Melissa and family and I will feel horrible if I dont go see my mom. I think New Orleans will be ten times more fun. So thats what I will probably do. Mellissa and I met in Des Moines last summer. She works for a South African Vineyard and promotes South African Wine to buyers in the US. We went riding last summer and had a blast. Weve stayed in touch ever since. Shes a neat girl. She lived in Australia for a few years too. I admire her worldly ways. I miss travelling all over the world. Even if it was in the Air Force. It was so much fun. I will post some pics of my trip to visit her. In the meantime here is a pic of her she sent tonight of her at a party in Lafayette, LA this week. In her words...CHEERS!

I think I would be running off to New Orleans my damn self... it's the jet set world of BADBOYBINGO.