I have come to the end of a busy week. We have had training at work which exhausted me. The only enjoyable thing about it is I got to know the new team mates I will have on jan 1st 07. It will actually be jan 3rd that I go into my new team as I have 1st and 2nd off. We had our work christmas party on friday. That was a lot of fun. I got to know at least 5 new people. One of them was a sexy woman with a whip. I didn't manage to get her to use the whip on me though
. I had an embarassing conversation with my new team leader. They were talking abut playing poker. I said I would much rather play strip poker than play poker for money as I would much rather lose my clothes than my money. I am thinking she just wrote that comment off as me just being drunk as the next thing she said is "are you are hard worker as I told the team you were?" I said "Yes I am a very hard worker" and she said "I thought so". I have just been shopping today for shoes for my husband. I hate shopping so close to christmas. It's way too busy. Yesterday we went shopping for christmas presents and we found a book of latin phrases. It is a pitty we are giving this book to my husbands father as I want to keep it. Some of the phrases are so funny. Here is one of my favourites.
Hoc Marcus Tullius optime verbis expressit, neque profero alia quam ipsissima verba optimi omnium oratorum cum adsevero te venustas habere mammas.
Cicero phrased it best, and I am merely quoting the master when I am driven to remark "nice tits"
I will be updating my pics at the end of next week so I look forward to that.
I hope you all enjoy next week and don't get too busy.

Hoc Marcus Tullius optime verbis expressit, neque profero alia quam ipsissima verba optimi omnium oratorum cum adsevero te venustas habere mammas.
Cicero phrased it best, and I am merely quoting the master when I am driven to remark "nice tits"
I will be updating my pics at the end of next week so I look forward to that.

Can't wait!!!!
